we are stronger with one another

in Hive Learners3 months ago

A larger family is fun, l will want to raised that kind of family, but then, i will not want to do more than I can carter, and bring children's into this world to suffer, so l will only own a family l can care for at all times.

The deal is, a lot of people have adopted this system already, and i am sure that no one have to explain so much to them, they just see how things went by everyday and decide what's best for them to do so that to better their family's.

l do think of what people should do so that money stop putting a stoppage to some of the things we will want to do but can't do it because the funds are not there.

You see why people went out sometimes to get along with people of their choice and have fun, that is because he/she might be tired of the lonely lifestyle, like me, l see myself doing something like this as well, because sometimes I just can't be alone.

l remember that day I was with my guy, he already told me how he does not want to spent the money that was with him, because he has need for it on monday at the office, but from the moment I told him I was going to my place, he start teasing me, doing everything he can do so that i do not go, up to the point of him, promising to prepare the meal l told him l wanted to eat that afternoon if I should stay.

when l understand he does not want to stay alone, l told him l will stay but on one condition, that he does not have to go that far to prepare that meal when he does not budget for it, we can manage with what was at home, beside, he wanted to used the money for something at the office on monday.

As it was weekend l didn't had much things to handle at home.

Secondly, as children's we did tell riddle's, something i enjoy in those times was the large number of people who used to attend it, because we did not lack what to say, when a person finished with his/her riddle, another person will take over and that was how the fun keep getting longer till it gets to when we have to disperse to our homes.

This was done towards in the evening, probably from 5:00 PM, and each of us used to enjoy it, at any point a person missed the gathering, maybe, he was still having something to do at home during the event, he/she will not be happy.

Does it mean they can not still tell the same riddle at their home, they can still do it, because in each day, lt will be not more than two new riddle's, so probably we all were aware of the riddles that we were going to listened to, but it was not all about the riddles, but the gathering, the strength of all us coming together to reason and have fun.

lmage source


Meeting up with family and friends is fun

The chats in the meeting up will create a beautiful time in everyone mindset, thanks for your comment, have a wonderful day ahead.