Make Your Bed

in We Are Alive Tribe8 months ago

I was recalling an inspirational commencement speech given about ten years ago that went viral for its simple, central message: Make your bed.

There were numerous other topics covered by the speaker. Growth, dreams, prosperity, doubt. Obstacles and disparity. All things that the college graduating class had dealt with before, that would return again and again in the future. He spoke to the journey of life. How the roller coaster of being gave no consideration to you age, race, gender, social status or views. We all wake up, we all eat and dress, and we all deal with hope and heartache.

His recommendation in being your best self, in preparation for all of this? Make your bed.

Make your bed every morning. Do it to the best of your abilities. Take pride in it. Making your bed every morning is a personal affirmation that every day starts with honoring yourself. Gifting yourself a place that you welcomes you back to at the end of the day without judgment. A gift that says: whatever happened between then and now, I still love you. Unconditionally and with open arms, or in this case, a crisply prepared surface that will comfort and care for you. Do its best to melt away stresses and strife, and reenergize your mind and body to rise again tomorrow.

It also reflects your character, both to self and others. I've heard many a woman talk of men who seemed desirable until they saw the condition of their domiciles, and their beds.

"If they show such disrespect for the world intimate to them, how will they treat me?" is the opinion they've reflected the most in deciding whether they should give this person a chance or run for the door.

My children were raised to respect themselves and the things they value. That all started with make your bed. Not just as a chore, but a hug to themselves. A reflection of care and character that they proudly stood behind for anyone to see. There were days when they neglected to wash their hands, or put on matching socks. But they always made their bed.

So: Make Your Bed. It doesn't matter whether it is a gorgeous mattress and frame, some blankets on the floor that you set aside each morning, or anything in between. Start each day by reenforcing your values and self love. Then go out and thrive, knowing you've prepared your place of comfort for when you return.


Wow, this is very inspiring, the way we handle our bed reflects how much we love ourselves and embrace ourselves even after a bad day. I never thought of this, thanks for sharing.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife.

Hm! Inspirational one
Thanks for this writing
Setting values on which to lay my life👍

You sound here like prof. Jordan Peterson a bit. 'First - clean up your room'. Small, everyday routines are very important to keep our mind straight.

Nice read:)

That’s very deep
The latter part resonates to certain parts of my life the most
Returning back knowing your place of comfort has already been made


This makes great sense, and I learned from this. Thank you for sharing this deep message.

Very inspiring post.
It doesn't matter if my bed is a mat, I should just take pride in it for it is where I lay my head each night to rest.
