Alive Chat Activity
Tuesday is back! The first-week rewards of the staking challenge were distributed to participants last Friday. With a lot of time this week, I placed a purchase order for last week's participant rewards. Let's see how many ALIVE will be distributed to last week's participants next Tuesday! Don't forget to join the Staking Challenge on today. I've included a shortcut link below 👋. Let's have fun staking and earn more staking rewards later!

Shortcut link:
Staking ALIVE
Even though I don't get participant rewards by staking ALIVE because I am the host, I am still responsible for increasing the prize pool of Monday's Alive Chat Challenge as my goal.

I managed to stake 75 ALIVE today and increased the total stake for the prize pool to 3,250. That means the weekly prize pool for next Monday's Alive Chat Challenge will be 1,625 AP shared among 5 lucky draw winners (325 AP each). Those ALIVE are from my beneficiary, author, and curation reward. I won't make any sell order at least for this year. We won't know what will happen but I hope it'll stay like that 👍.
This post is a bit late because the power went out in my area. The power outage happened right after I posted the Alive Chat Challenge which was pretty lucky 😂. At least, the work was done before the power outage. The power outage happened because there was a fire. I heard a lot of fire trucks passing by on the road. I think it was about 300 meters from my house. I can see black smoke from the top floor of my house.

The fire went out after more than 2 hours and the power came back on 20-30 minutes after that. Continue to work and do my daily activities. Have a nice day everyone~