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RE: The end of an experiment in Altruism

I agree with plenty of that sentiment and you assuredly raise some good questions there about those particular folks.

Aside from those folks though, (who sound like they would rather be hustlers) the 'why do they not work' question is of course complex and folks seldom consider the factors of:

There are often no showers available... no support from friends or family... no one to watch their belongings while they work... and not having an address or actual phone number... makes things extremely difficult. Then of course there is a lack of public transportation which as you know is in short supply in many places even if it is available there in Cobb county.

Those are by no means justifications or anything and I am simply saying that the 'barriers' to employment are massive and often dismissed out of hand.

As I often tell folks: Go spend a month being truly homeless (destitute) and find out what it is really like.

I am not saying that to you per say (because as you stated you know the challenges involved) but honestly most folks are so far off the mark with their sentiments towards the un-housed that it is easier to de-humanize and/or dismiss them.


Yes, I do understand these barriers. These two use large sanitary wipes for personal hygenie, whole body (which of course does nothing for dirty hair, but they have access to several public bathrooms and could wash their hair and everything else for that matter in a sink, I've done that)
I don't know if there are other reasons (like why they left or were fired before) but the Panera Bread store is within 150 yds of their tent, she goes there several times a day to use the bathroom.

He truly does seem to be in pain when walking, and to my knowledge he lets her do the standing and begging, which doesn't say much to me about his make up.

After we had words that fateful day, he DID apologize and said:

All this was so stupid ....You deserved more respect than I gave to you. It's a very bad habit that I noticed in my 30's so I worked on my faults and thought I had over come this prideful, and selfish attitude. I just wanted you to understand I feel horrible and still you offer to help us.

So, in the end he gained some personal growth... at the cost of what seems like a very good situation that you so graciously extended to the both of them!

All in all I think that you did the right thing and like I originally said: You did way more than most folks would.

EDIT: By 'right thing' I mean both helping them and knowing when to no longer help!

Thank you Jacob

I am too southern to not say:

You are quite welcome Jerry!