Happy " #aliveandthriving Tuesday evening" To You!
And, Thank You so much for your visit!
So friends, this is #aliveandthriving Tuesday I have something that was quite unexpected - "at this time of the year", an "Anole"!
Yes, here we are.un the first days of March and the Anoles are already coming out, a big surprise to say the least! Though I will admit today we hit 89Β°F / 31.66Β°C which is getting warm!
Here is when I first noticed it by my "English Ivy" plant,
And here it noticed me watching it,
At this point it decided to slowly sneak away,
And this is just before it broke into a full run. Judging by the size this one is from last year, as it is not a baby by any stretch of the imagination!
And I let it just scurry away. It will be back, no doubt and I like that they eat insects!
So... When I see it or others again I will let you know!
And, that was it for my #aliveandthriving Tuesday!
I also want to thank you again for your visit and,
I am Wishing you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe, Mid-Week!
All images property of @lesmann
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