Random Digital Art 706

in We Are Alive Tribe9 days ago

Yoo Hello Hello Hello everyone, how are you all today int his lovely and beutiful day today. I am so happy that I can see you all again today in this lovely day today. I am so gretful that today is such a beutiful day and the sun is shining brightly, giving us warmth and so much strenght to get to through the day. I wish that all of you are also being blessing by the Almighty God above.

I am so happy that I can finish all my errand and task on the usual time, so that I could sit and have some time to rest before moving on to continue with my random digital art creation. After I finish making the creation then I continue to compose this post and then share it with all of you here on the community and on Hive in general.

I made this creation using one fractal element and then I edit it in photoshop. A nice creation to start the new month, and I am so happy with the result, as you can see there are sime kind of eyes that keeping its sight, just like How the God is watching everymove that we made.

I hope you all like my work, and I wish to see you all again tomorrow. Cheer

These are the application that I use to make this random digital art series, I might use on element from the following applications, or simply combine them all to make this art.

  1. Aphophysis 2.09 the older version where I first learn how to make fractal
  2. Aphophysis7X the newer version of the app to produce fractal art.
  3. Bomomo abstract application is a web based application to make abstract art, very easy to use app.
  4. inkscape application, to make the vector art.
  5. Adobe photoshop to combine those element to make the final random digital art version.


A creative work is brain work which need brain reset. It is a good imagination and is beautiful.
Will you add my favorite color next time?