Still Alive - 17.04.2024 (EN / ES)

in We Are Alive Tribe11 months ago

Good morning survivors!

Here I bring again a proof that I'm still alive, although these days I don't feel like one.

Yesterday was a strange day, with little energy and it cost me a lot. Focusing on work, organizing my thoughts.

Anyway, I went to bed more or less early and at night I was just disconnecting, literally doing nothing, well just trying to silence all those voices and ideas in my head and give it some order.

Hopefully today will go better, although it didn't start completely different.
But that's normal I guess, the changes are usually little by little, for better and for worse.

Buenos días supervivientes!

aquí traigo otra vez una prueba de que sigo vivo, aunque estos días no me siento como tal.

Ayer fue un día raro, con poca energía y me costo todo bastante. Centrarme en el trabajo, organizar mis pensamientos.

En fin, me fui mas o menos temprano a cama y a la noche estuve solo desconectando, literalmente haciendo nada, bueno solo intentando silenciar todas esas voces y ideas en la cabeza y darle algo de orden.

Espero que hoy el día vaya mejor, aunque no empezó completamente diferente.
Pero eso es normal supongo, los cambios por lo normal son poco a poco, para bien como para mal.

Thank you :)

I am everyday live on twitch, click below on the link and come say hi, and that your frome hive :)


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