That's probably on another film (or manga or comic) where "traders" (instead of "benders") are at a higher level of society (in contrast with "non-traders"). 🤯🤣
That's probably on another film (or manga or comic) where "traders" (instead of "benders") are at a higher level of society (in contrast with "non-traders"). 🤯🤣
Given that there already are a lot of manga and animé online, there might already be at least one which features "traders" as the "higher class" people. 🤔🤯🤓😏
Perhaps so. I'm not really into Anime or Manga, so I can't say. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
That makes me wonder if you are into cartoons and animations, which are significantly different from manga and animé. 🤔🤓
Anyway, I wonder if your "autocorrect" would help you type "animé" (with an é
at the end of the word). 🤔😏
No, not really, not since I was a child.
Yes, I can type accent characters, but I intentionally didn't in this case. 😁🙏💚✨🤙
I wonder what films you !loved when you were young(er). 🤔🤯
I also wonder why you didn't type "animé" (with the é
). 🤯😅
I loved ET: The Extraterrestrial, also Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Because I've never seen it written with an accent. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Looks like you !love films that are about aliens other beings. 🤔😱🤯
Animé lovers would type the é
correctly whenever possible, and it is necessary in general to avoid confusion on how to read it ("eh-nee-may" instead of something like "eh-neem"). 🤯🤯😅
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