Enjoy culinary specialties from the Sumatran region of Indonesia

in Wednesday Walklast year


Each region has certain food characteristics for our people in Sumatra, Indonesia, culinary transfers that have been around for a very long time and even now are still in demand by people even from outside the area of ​​the island of Sumatra. What is in front of me is a typical food characteristic of the island of Sumatra This is a fried noodle that so many people are interested in. Apart from its delicious taste, it also has indulgence both in terms of taste and softness. having very delicious spices will make this noodle even more of a favorite so quite a few of my friends have seen it. Even those who pass through this area will enjoy this culinary delight. The way to enjoy horse from this is easy after the cooks distribute it, we just add the sauce and soy sauce. we want to add additional flavors but if not this food is also delicious to eat because it has been cooked first with spices that have been prepared. I am someone who often enjoys this food so I say this is a favorite type of culinary food for me and even the general public. The people here really enjoy this food. If they don't add rice, makami is their target after they don't get results. Here are some pictures of the typical Sumatran fried noodle menu, friends, come here quickly and enjoy it. This is what we did on Wednesday. Enjoy the culinary delights. with friends and family.


