I love this ¨WednesdayWalk¨ when I do it in the reserve (¨Es-Eng¨)

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago
Bienvenidos a todos que regularmente visitan esta hermosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  en esta oportunidad les quiero enseñar preciosas fotografías que ha hecho mi abuela en este hermoso predio natural, donde hay cosas hermosas para disfrutar mientras camino en compañía de mis abuelos

Source: Family Álbum

Welcome to all who regularly visit this beautiful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  on this occasion I want to show you beautiful photographs that my grandmother has taken in this beautiful natural area, where there are beautiful things to enjoy while I walk in the company of my grandparents

Siempre que veo estas plantas de ¨diente¨ de ¨león¨ se me hace imposible no tomarlas en las manos y soplar para que el ¨viento¨ se las lleve, otra cosa que me apetece hacer es salir corriendo con ellas en alto para que vayan donde el ¨viento¨ las quiera llevar; curiosamente esta es una situación que también le encantaba a mi abuela, ella al verme correr por la pradera con ellas en las manos me confirmo que les traía gratos recuerdos de su niñez

Source: Family Álbum

Whenever I see these dandelion plants, I find it impossible not to take them in my hands and blow so that the wind takes them away. Another thing I want to do is run out with them high in the air so that they go wherever the wind wants to take them; Curiously, this is a situation that my grandmother also loved. When she saw me running through the meadow with them in my hands, she confirmed that they brought back pleasant memories of her childhood

Creo que todos los que siguen mis posts conocen mi ¨debilidad¨ por la ¨vida¨¨silvestre¨, siempre que veo insectos en su habita no puedo dejar de verlos, es imposible para mi no detener mi marcha y quedarme por un largo tiempo observándolos, me encanta la sencillez con las que viven, amo ver los felices que son en su ¨medio¨¨ambiente¨

Source: Family Álbum

I think that everyone who follows my posts knows my "weakness" for "wild life", whenever I see insects in their habitat I can't stop looking at them, it's impossible for me not to stop walking and stay for a long time watching them, I love the simplicity with which they live, I love seeing how happy they are in their "environment"

Cuando se presenta la oportunidad nunca dudo ingresar en el interior del bosque, allí siempre descubro preciosas plantas que crecen de manera silvestre, y algunas de ellas son dueñas de preciosas flores; algo que no puedo dejar de hacer es tomar en mis manos y a hacer un precioso ¨ramo¨ para obsequiar a mi abuela

Source: Family Álbum

When the opportunity presents itself, I never hesitate to enter the interior of the forest. There I always discover beautiful plants that grow wild, and some of them have beautiful flowers; Something I can't stop doing is taking in my hands and making a beautiful "bouquet" to give to my grandmother

Siempre que vamos con mi abuela a la reserva lleva su ¨teléfono¨ ¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ ella sabe que las hermosas fotografías que hace las necesito para participar de los diferentes concursos que hay #Hive, y uno de ellos es este maravilloso ¨WednesdayWalkContest¨:  donde me permite compartir con todos nuestras preciosas fotografías de los hermosos lugares donde caminamos

Source: Family Álbum

Whenever we go to the reservation with my grandmother, she takes her ¨mobile¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ ¨phone¨. She knows that I need the beautiful photographs she takes to participate in the different contests that there are #Hive, and one of them is this wonderful one ¨WednesdayWalkContest¨:  where I can share with everyone our beautiful photographs of the beautiful places where we walked


Source: Family Álbum


Wonderful Wednesday walk you had! Thanks for sharing your walk adventures!


Me ha encantado la caminata entre flores y caracoles!! Muy relajante y unas fotografías cercanas muy buenas, tu abuela cada vez es más genia!!! Bonito día!😃

My grandmother always tries to take the best photos that her phone allows, since it is not very good
I love this reserve to walk with my grandparents
Thank you very much @avdesing

Igualmente son hermosas!! Disfruta mucho de tus abuelos!

It was a great walk around the property, we found beautiful things.
Beautiful photographs

I also really enjoyed this walk, I loved seeing so many beautiful things, and my grandmother did not miss the opportunity to photograph them.

a lovely walk so much beauty of nature to see
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

Hello Mr. @tatuajedjay I am very happy to know that you liked the nature of our walks
Thank you very much, you are very kind

A lovely walk in a beautiful area.
So much to see. The beautiful flowers 🌺
The awesome snails 🐌 I love snails and have painted several paintings from them.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Have a great day!

There are many things in nature that inspire artists to create their works of art, how great that you have painted snails
It was a very nice walk, we had a great time
Thank you very much @littlebee4

Thank you ☺️
That’s lovely to hear. You are so welcome!

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Lovely Wednesday walk @miprimerconcurso me and my grand daughter always blow those dandelion flowers as well.

I do believe it helps the plant spread and grow more as they are all seeds.

If we don't do it the wind will 🤣

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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #aliveandthriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving, plus @youarealive is following our Curation Trail.

How are you, Mr. @benthomaswwd, good morning
How good to know that you and your granddaughter also enjoy blowing dandelions, the coincidence is incredible
Thank you very much for sharing this experience

I am good thanks @miprimerconcurso
Yes we spend a lot of time together much like you and your grand parents.
Blowing dandelions is just fun 🤣
Stay safe and well wishing you and all your family a wonderful one

What do you call a corrupted IPhone?
A bad apple.

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@miprimerconcurso, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benthomaswwd

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@miprimerconcurso! @benthomaswwd likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (21/50)

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
hafiz34 tipped miprimerconcurso
@benthomaswwd(6/15) tipped @miprimerconcurso

Very pleasant walk. Those snails though !LOLZ !BBH !ALIVE

I don't know why I can't fit this upside boat on my head
It is clearly capsized.

Credit: reddit
@miprimerconcurso, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ironshield



Have a blessed and wonderful walk on every journey my friend
This is an extra reward on behalf of the @aliveandthriving project


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- @benthomaswwd - Moderator

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Qué hermoso recuerdo y que conexión tan especial con tu abuela.
Es increíble como algo tan simple como soplar un diente de león puede evocar tanta nostalgia y alegría.


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