I posted last night about how I have recently been busy with some art projects. I'd like to share two with you that are complete, 3D printed by @bitcoinman and painted by me.
This is the first -
I am obsessed with the halloween vibes of this leaf. I wish I could just paint a ton to hang all over. Anyway, I started by using mod podge to layer the leaf and then made use of a sponge to dab on the colours. The finer lines were done with a brush.
Next -
This spooky paint brush holder. It was printed with resin, so luckily, I didn't need the coat of mod podge, but there was some excessive filing and sanding needed to get rid of the bumps left by supports.
Anyway, it has been a lot of fun working on printed projects and trying new techniques/tools. My newest tool is an airbrush that I have yet to use but super excited to try it out, a tad nervous because I've never used one, so here I come youtube videos!
Haha, wish me luck! 🤣