Beauty: A Freewrite

in Freewriters11 months ago
Tasha looked into the mirror and beheld her reflection, she hated herself for being this way, she wanted a slimer nose and thinner lips and of course a bigger butt and hips, she finally decided to go and do a surgery to enhance her looks.

  As she stepped out of the house into the streets, she hurried quickly as she wanted to do away with this version of herself, she needed a change,lost in thoughts she didn't realize she had bumped into someone, the contents of her hand bag sprayed all over the place, she bent low to quickly pick up her things, the fellow she bumped into helped her out with her stuff while sincerely apologizing for the mess that had occurred.

"I'm Travis" he briefly introduced himself while extending his right hand for a shake.

"Tasha" she said quite reluctantly as she fidgeted
"Are you alright? he asked as he realized she was lost in thought while they collided.
Like a cloud ready to pour out rain on the earth, Tasha burst into tears, uncontrollable,deep tears.
Travis put his hand on her shoulder and asked politely
"Would you wanna talk about it?
She shook her head in affirmation and he took her hands as they walked over to a park opposite.

They sat down and as if someone pressed play on the remote, Tasha poured out her heart and how exactly she felt about herself and her looks,she told him about the fact that she wanted to do an enhancement surgery, and there was nothing that was going to stop her.
"Has anyone told you you're ugly before ? Travis asked concernedly
"At work I get jabs about my nose and lips and about how my body looks,such hurtful words they say to me , sometimes I feel like ending it" Tasha said while pausing between sobs.
"Should I tell you the truth? Travis asked
"What's that " Tasha asked.
"You're one of a kind,a special breed, and if you changed anything about yourself to fit into what people think you should look like, then you're making a fool of yourself because people,they always have specifications and who knows if when you change things about yourself,they start to love those things you changed "Travis said.
Tasha looked at him and wondered why a stranger would say such things to her, meaningful and inspiring things...
"I'd suggest you go home and start loving yourself, You're beautiful, don't let negative words bring you down,God intricately and wonderfully designed you and you're not any less of how God sees you, Beautiful "

Travis said assuringly and stood up.
"I have to take my leave, got a lot of work to do,i hope you feel better and you can take better decisions now "he said.
"Thank you "Tasha said as she dabbed her tears .
"You're welcome "Travis replied
Tasha sat in the park watched till the strange guy was out of sight, she pondered on the last words he said
"You're not any less of how God sees you, Beautiful", she mumbled and again she broke into tears, not out of frustration and depression this time,they were tears of realization of who she really was all this time.
It didn't matter what people thought of her, in the sight of her creator she was Beautiful and that was all she needed to know .


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