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RE: 5 minute freewrite 2371 prompt safe but unsound

in Freewriters10 months ago

I was born in a city, so I cannot answer for certain, but neighborhoods change simply because the people there and the new people coming in do not know each other, and if they cannot build bonds, there is no trust or care between them. I suppose the same things happen in towns.


That sounds about right, the new people who have moved here want to change everything. They want it to look like an old fishing village but do not want to see the fishermen on the river or fish houses.

I have had similar experiences in rural areas. Where we live now, there has been a great influx of city people escaping the more liberal states to the west. They bring their city ways with them, including lots of noise, too many outdoor lights, and always in a hurry. So the rural life has been changing because city people don't know how to live it.

That is what is happening here, I guess it is everywhere.