5 minutes freewrite prompt: the last boy

in Freewriterslast year

In the early time when man was still wearing animal skin as clothes, the foreigners came and introduced what is called education to the people.

Back then, road's was poorly constructed, because the people used prank and crossed in the middle of a bridges, it was what they do in anywhere they is a bridge, so that they can have a free passage to cross to their destinations.

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On this day, some group of boys, they were all boys of nine years old, as peer group, they were coming back from school which was recently introduce by the foreigners.

The foreigners saw the prank bridges and thought of something to be done in those spots, so they had it in mind that constructions would kicked off in few months time, while it was not yet commence, the children's was still passing through there.

Therefore, on this day, as the boys were crossing the bridge, all of them have crossed and it was remaining the one who put his eyes on a beautiful grasshopper, he wanted to catched it, but as he put all his focused on the grasshopper, he almost missed his steps which could have make him to fall inside the bridge.

His friends shouted on him and then he realizes himself, he let go of the beautiful grasshopper and watched his step on the prank bridge carefully, immediately he crossed the prank bridges as well, he saw another beautiful grasshopper and by then he was out of the bridge with his friends and then he catch the grasshopper.

Later on, the foreigners has the prank bridges constructed into a good road, people passed through there till today and most of the people could not realized that where they're passing through is a bridge because of how good it was constructed.

The people of the town pray good prayers for the foreigners who came to their town and do good thing's to help their family's.