A picture is worth a thousand words

in Freewriters11 months ago

The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty host of pic1000 source

King Julius rule in chaos and destructions, he never allow a kingdom to lived without his interests of conquering the kingdom and making it his subject.

He had ruled so many lands this way, including Tenu and Honu, he was interesting in so many land's that he could ever heard of, until he met a certain land that could not adhere to his unending mind's of taking over kingdoms overnight, on this adventure, King Julius prepare his men's and set on a war with this land that could not join him.

Unfortunately, it didn't end well for king Julius, it seems his times has come for him to pay for all the destruction's and hardship he has caused to people in taking over their lands by force.

Famada fought endlessly with King Julius and his men, something about king Julius was that, he wasn't a kind of king who sent his men on a battlefield and he would be sitting at home and expecting a results.

He was always there in each of the battles they fought but when he wants to conquer Famada, even with his presence in the battle field, Famada wasn't an easy land to just rule with a war, because they didn't want to be under a King who careless about his subject but always wanted to conquer lands each day by day.

So, in that vain, King Julius was defeated, he was captured by Famada fighters, but the people spare his life and turned him and the remaining of his men into slave, he signed an agreement to work in the land of the Famada people for twelve years before his freedom, where he would leave and not a king again.

Famada free all the land's king Julius used his bad mindsets to conquer, that was how the rule of king Julius came to an end.

Thank you for reading, I admire you all....


An old king ends up as a slave for 12 years. I wonder if he changed or will take revenge.

He changed, by the time he was released all his men were not seeing him as their king anymore, some of them even confess that they were only following his commands but were not in support of his rules because it was so unfair.

Hola @faithetim, el rey Julio se merecía terminar de esa manera, despues de una vida con tanta ambicion. Buena historia.

He did not lived a good life, he deserves his end, thanks i admire your comment.

Thank you for joining this story with us. 👍