Sure, the predator tiger thing happened, but car wrecks didn't. I bet the tiger thing was rare. (And you worked less!)
I guess it's one of those cognitive biases we make as an imperfect creature. We can visualise a lion ripping our liver out while we're still screaming and we associate that as being far more dangerous than whipping down a road and hitting the back of a truck at 70mph, where you don't really tend to imagine your lower jaw flying alongside one of your eyes through the windscreen (lol).
People in the educated and wealthy part of the world still live under the illusion that wealth = quality of life which, although is a contributing factor, doesn't do much to quell the needs of those spending $3,000 a month on a crippling whiskey habit. If we were more content to just be around a trusting village of people we trust, we'd never have a lot of the problems we have today. I think we were tricked into a lot of our beliefs and drives.
But oh well, here I am -__-