5 minute freewrite 2345 prompt not as free as you thought

in Freewriters11 months ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2345 prompt not as free as you thought hosted by @mariannewest

What is going on with the price of everything, homes, cars, food, tools, etc? Things have gone crazy high. My husband went to Home Depot to buy some hose clamps, he used to get 10 for 7 dollars and change, but now they are over 18 dollars for the same clamps.

People say America, is the land of the free, please tell me what is free in the USA. It is not as free as you thought because nothing is free, not even air, we used to be able to put air in our car tires for free, but now they charge 2 dollars to pump it. If you want to go fishing, you have to buy a license, hunting is the same. Drive your car, you have to buy the tag for it and pay taxes on the fuel you buy. You never own your home free and clear, every year there are property taxes. Even if you homeschool your children, you are told you still have to pay a school tax which is added to your property tax.

I just read an article where the county I live in wants anyone who knows of vacant land that adjoins other vacant land to inform the county so as they say they can buy it to prevent urban sprawl. Doesn't this sound good, LOL, who do you think is going to be buying this land? It will be us the taxpayers, so get ready for our taxes to go up.


This is frightening. It keeps getting tougher as the days go by. We'll survive one way or another, hopefully.

We always do, but I would like to see it go back to more reasonable prices.

Me too.