5 minute freewrite 2381 prompt Her achievement

in Freewriters10 months ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2381 prompt Her achievement hosted by @mariannewest

I look back at this little girl and think about what her achievement in this world was, and it would have to be her kids, they are the ones who she loves the most, the ones she is most proud of, they are the ones who she has shed the most tears, they are the ones who have given her the most sleepless nights, but still, they are her greatest achievement.

One thing she can not achieve is getting surgery on her hand. The surgeon wants me to stop taking the blood thinners 5 days before my surgery but the doctor who prescribed them is the one who has to tell him it is ok for me to stop them. A neurologist put me on them but I stopped seeing him and when my prescription ran out I asked my primary doctor if she would refill them, and she did. Now the neurologist is no longer practicing in my area so I can not go back to him and I am afraid a new one will want to run all of those tests over again.

I saw my primary doctor today and she told me no she will not give her consent to stop them, she said I have a high chance of having a stroke because of whatever is going on with my neck and the falling, and the EKG I had showing the high T-waves. She said I will have to see a neurologist and a cardiologist. I saw both of these doctors a few years ago and after many, many tests they could not find anything wrong so I stopped seeing them.

I called the hand surgeon's office and told them what my primary said and they told me they have no choice but to cancel the surgery until after I see the other doctors and get a clearance from them to stop the blood thinners. I also told them what my primary said, she told me that by them wanting her to say for me to stop taking it they want her to make their job easier. I do not know what she meant by that and the surgeon's office did not comment back anything on it.

I have come to the conclusion that maybe I am not supposed to have this surgery, when all of this started I felt as if it was a sign to not have it and now I feel that way more than anything else. I kept thinking about what happened to Joan Rivers, she went in for a routine surgery and never woke. That thought was heavy on my mind so maybe this is God's way of telling me not to do it. I have lived with and learned to work with back pain, I can do it with hand pain. I mean what did people do 200 years ago, they lived with it.


photos are mine


Yes, you will be back on the river!
Maybe the surgery really isn't the answer - maybe the hand pain would be alleviated some other way.
I've lost faith in surgeons.
Somewhere else today I read of a woman who went in for routine surgery (getting a stent), and she never woke up. In her sixties. Who was this... where... did I read it here? It wasn't Joan Rivers, but someone local, I thought.
I really hope and pray you'll be well, and in good hands (medically).

I was worried about being put under, I only weigh 96 pounds. There must be a reason for me to worry that much, I wish I could just live with it.

I have not heard of anyone other than Joan Rivers, but I know it can happen.

I would like to know where the cartilage goes, it seems to be a flaw in God's design. Having bone on bone is very painful every time I move it.

Hoo boy. You sure got the run-around this time! I hope you can find some alternative to surgery and not have to mess with all those appointments and waiting. Ugh.

I wish there was some other way, too. If you find one, please let me know. I do not know why they can't take a caulking gun and shoot some caulk between the bones, but that would be too easy.

What a concept! (Caulking gun).
Wharton's jelly - inject! inject! inject!
Quack doctors book hotel conference rooms for free seminars aimed at senior citizens, pitching their injections of stem cells into arthritic knees and joints. It's very expensive. The one I attended claimed to be the only medical facility in the state to offer this. Wrong. A "physiatrist" in my own town offered the same thing for half the price.

Wharton's Jelly Injections have been used as a stem cell therapy to treat chronic pain, arthritis, SI joint pain, and sacroiliac joint pain. Using umbilical cord Wharton's Jelly, learn about the potential long term pain relief benefits of PRP and Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. Discover how this stem cell treatment is being used in regenerative medicine and stem cell research to help relieve joint pain without the need for OTC medications or physical therapy.

"Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as a cell type with great potential for cell-based articular cartilage repair ..."
Surely it isn't just for knees.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Researchers at Mayo Clinic's campus in Florida have conducted the world's first prospective, blinded and placebo-controlled clinical study to test the benefit of using bone marrow stem cells, a regenerative medicine therapy, to reduce arthritic pain and disability in knees...

Umbilical cord-derived Wharton's jelly for regenerative medicine ...

Wharton's jelly is a primordial mucous connective tissue of the umbilical cord present between the amniotic epithelium and the umbilical vessels . The key role of Wharton's jelly is to provide cushion, protection, and structural support to umbilical vessels by preventing their compression, torsion, and....

WOW I did not know they could do this, I was joking about getting caulking injected into my hand and here it is true they can do it.
I have been to the Mayo Clinic many times with my daughter, she has MS.

This book is one @owasco would love. (Have I sent you links already?)
Both of you are already doing the things that heal us.

The Connection Cure
The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Art, Service, and Belonging
by Julia Hotz

It's so common sense but most Americans spend only 7% of their lives outdoors.
We're isolated, lonely, sedentary.
Years ago I was reading how our Neanderthal and Paleo ancestors were so much better off with their barefoot, organic, outdoor lives and their communities and interdependency. Their social ties.

"Nature is good for us" and is the new Rx -

Prescribing time in parks and green spaces is now used as a way of treating a range of conditions including high blood pressure, anxiety and depression. State by state, the movement towards developing a more interactive and meaningful relationship to nature for one’s health and wellbeing is growing.

I think this is true, I bet most people do not spend 7% of their time outside unless 7% is from car to house.

About the barefoot part, that is my husband, he only puts shoes on when he has to go in a store because they will no longer let him in without them.