5 minute freewrite 2432 prompt take a sniff

in Freewriters8 months ago

This is my post for #freewriters 2432 prompt take a sniff hosted by @mariannewest

I grew this unusual pineapple last February, I am not sure how many crowns it had because it was hard to count them, but I planted 13 that I could get separated from it.


I did not want to pick it but we had a thunderstorm that knocked the stake that I had holding it up and it broke from the main plant. I like to let them turn yellow and take a sniff before picking.
I am not sure if it would have weighed anymore if it had stayed longer, but it was close to 9 pounds as it was.

I found out something that I did not know about pineapples. On our way back from North Florida with my daughter and sister, I told them about me being on a pineapple site and my daughter was shocked, she said "MOM, DO YOU KNOW WHAT SITE A PINEAPPLE SITE IS?" I said yes a pineapple site talks about pineapples that people grow, she said do you know WHAT IT MEANS? I said it means I am on a site where people talk about their pineapples. I posted about the big one I grew and I found out that when you pick them you are supposed to turn them upside down and leave them for 3 days, this lets the sugar go all the way through it.

She says do you know what it means when you walk into someone's house and see a pineapple upside down, I told her that I just said what it means. Then she dropped the bomb, she said they usually have a fake pineapple and it is upside down, which means they are swingers and they have pineapple sites, my sister was in the back seat laughing her butt off. You learn something new every day.
photos are mine