This is my post for #freewriters 2666 prompt equipped for the future hosted by @mariannewest
If there was ever a day that I wished I could have been equipped for the future starting at 4:30 this morning would have been that day because things got worse from there and it ain't over.
I woke at 4:30 and had to pee, that went fine and the best thing to happen all day. At 5:30 my daughter woke and was making coffee and straightening up the kitchen. At 6:00 my husband came into the living room like a bear and started yelling at my daughter for being up cleaning and running water making the pump constantly kick off and on since 4:30. I told him she was not up at that time and I went pee at 4:30. The toilet stuck on and was running the pump and I did not know it, but by now he is already mad and does not want to hear anything I have to say.
Today was the day for my appointment with the vascular surgeon it was at 9:40. My husband wanted to go shopping at the cheap store before my appointment. He got upset when I said I do not think there is time. It does not open until 9 and then we have to shop and then drive across town to the doctor's office. He dropped me at the doctor and went on to the cheap store.
The doctor does not think my problem is vascular the ultrasound I had taken on my neck showed no blockage but of course, they want to run one more test, an ultrasound on the arteries that come from the heart, she said just to rule them out but she would be surprised if it was that. There is also a 10 number difference in the blood pressure in each arm, but I forgot what she said about it. I asked if she had ever heard of someone having the tingly feeling and falling when their head was in a certain position, and she said she had never heard of it. She said the blood flow was being cut off to my brain. That, I did know. She said it has to be neurological, but I have seen a nerologist and a neuro surgeon and neither know what is causing it. After this doctor I do not know who to see.
not this turtle or dog
After we got home, I was planting some lettuce that my husband bought, they had roots, it's for Rudy. My husband saw the dogs with something and went to see what it was. He started cursing at the dog and yelling how he hated this place with dogs. One of them had a turtle and crushed its shell and chewed its legs. My husband went inside and came out with his shotgun, still yelling at the dog, and for a moment I did not know which it was for. He said he could not let the turtle lay there and suffer.
she did it She was his buddy, I am not sure that is still true, he said he is putting her on a leash every time she wants out. That is going to be hard to do with the other dog running loose, it is not fair.
photos are mine