Pront: "Sin seguro"
Roberto llegó muy contento a su casa, estaba silbando una canción alegre y su rostro mostraba una gran felicidad, además había comprado un regalo para su esposa, uno para su hija y una torta de helado, para comerla después de la cena.
—Veo que la alegría te desborda. — Le dijo Eliana, su esposa, al verlo entrar a la casa.
—Así es corazón.— Le dijo Roberto, levantándola por la cintura y dándole un beso.
Cunado Roberto bajó a Eliana, entró Camila, a la cocina, abrazando con mucho amor a su papá.
—A ver, me podrías decir ¿Qué te da tanta alegría?
—Bueno la verdad querida, es que tu marido es un genio. Te cuento, hace como un mes te dije que me habían asignado para un proyecto importante en la empresa, resulta que el proyecto, era para la adquisición de otra empresa, y el dueño quedó tan contento con nuestro trabajo y con la rapidez con lo que hicimos, que nos dio a todos los que participamos en el proyecto una muy buena comisión. — Dijo, Roberto.
—¿Qué tan buena?— Dijo Eliana.
—Unos 5000 $.— Comentó Roberto mientras reía.
El día que Roberto cobró la comisión, en la empresa estaba un asesor de seguros ofreciendo sus servicios, y tanto Roberto como otros de sus compañeros decidieron invertir una parte de sus ganancias, comprando un seguro para él y su familia.
Al llegar a casa, Roberto saludo contento a Eliana y Camila, y de un momento a otro, Eliana, le dio una nota.
—Y qué es esto cariño. —
—Cosas que debemos comprar con el dinero, las vi por internet, y todo eso suma unos 3500 $, agarramos 500 para celebrar y los otros mil se los sumamos a los ahorros que tenemos guardados. —
—Me parece bien la lista, pero vas a tener que priorizar, ya que solo quedan 2500, ya que invertí la otra parte en un seguro para nosotros tres. —
Eliana se molestó mucho, dijo que porqué en la empresa no tenían un seguro,y además dijo, que ellos eran jóvenes y sanos, y que ella quería comprar varias cosas para la casa, y así estuvo reclamando un par de días, hasta que se le pasó la molestia.
A los meses de comprar el seguro, Camila fue golpeada por un auto, al pasear en bicicleta, y se lastimó mucho la pierna. Cuando en la clínica fueron a pagar la operación de la niña, y pudieron salir de la situación, con el seguro que compró Roberto, como una inversión en salud para él y su familia.
—Roberto, gracias a Dios compraste ese seguro. De no haberlo hecho, estaríamos sin seguro y no tendríamos cómo responder, estaríamos buscando préstamos o algo así, disculpa por la pelea de ese día.
—Lo sé, queda tranquila. — Le dijo Roberto a Eliana, cuando la abrazaba, después de hacer los trámites con el seguro para pagar la clínica.
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To Read in English

5-minute daily message: A good investment. Short Story Fiction.
Pront: "without insurance"
Roberto arrived home very happy, he was whistling a cheerful song and his face showed great happiness, he had also bought a gift for his wife, one for his daughter and an ice cream cake, to eat after dinner.
—I see that the joy overflows you. — Said Eliana, his wife, when she saw him enter the house.
—That's right, sweetheart.— Said Roberto, lifting her up by the waist and giving her a kiss.
When Roberto took Eliana down, Camila came into the kitchen, hugging her dad with a lot of love.
—Let's see, could you tell me what gives you so much joy? —
—Well, the truth, dear, is that your husband is a genius. I tell you, about a month ago I told you that I had been assigned for an important project in the company, it turns out that the project was for the acquisition of another company, and the owner was so happy with our work and with the speed with which we did, that he gave all of us who participated in the project a very good commission. — He said, Roberto.
—How good is it?- Said Eliana. —
— About $5,000.— Commented Roberto while laughing.
The day Roberto collected the commission, an insurance consultant was at the company offering his services, and both Roberto and other of his colleagues decided to invest a part of their profits, buying insurance for him and his family.
When Roberto arrived home, he greeted Eliana and Camila happily, and from one moment to the next, Eliana, gave him a note.
—And what is this, honey. —
—Things that we should buy with the money, I saw them on the internet, and all that adds up to about $ 3500, we grabbed 500 to celebrate and the other thousand we added to the savings we have saved. —
—I'm fine with the list, but you're going to have to prioritize, since there are only 2500 left, since I invested the other part in insurance for the three of us. —
Eliana was very upset, she said that because the company did not have insurance, and also said that they were young and healthy, and that she wanted to buy several things for the house, and so she was claiming for a couple of days, until the annoyance passed.
A few months after buying the insurance, Camila was hit by a car, while riding a bicycle, and she hurt her leg a lot. When they went to the clinic to pay for the girl's operation, and they were able to get out of the situation, with the insurance that Roberto bought, as an investment in health for him and his family.
—Roberto, thank God you bought that insurance. If we hadn't, we'd be without insurance and wouldn't have how to respond. We'd be looking for loans or something. Sorry for the fight that day. —
—I know, stay calm. — Roberto said to Eliana, when he was hugging her, after doing the paperwork with the insurance to pay for the clinic.
Thank you very much for reading me.
If you like this contest you can you can participate here.
I invite the following to participate: @esbat, @alicia2022.