A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words : The mishap that fetched the award

in Freewriters9 months ago

Greetings to all Hiveans and members of the Freewriters community. Wishing you all a Happy week ahead.

What I see:
A car is being broken down with just a person inside the car. And a crowd waiting curiously.

What I feel:
A mishap occurred. Not knowing what should be the next step, some people, including the young and old, are looking at the vehicle.

Here goes the story:

A film shooting going on in full swing at a full fledged old studio. The cast has taken their position and ready for the shot.

As told by the director, a suspicious jeep should fled past a police jeep. And the police should follow it once it get the signal.

Unfortunately the speed in which the jeep fled lost its control, and crashed into a public area, after the front left tyre got burst. Luckily, no one was injured as the driver was a trained one and could control the vehicle to a certain distance after the tyre burst.

But then, the director made a few twist in his story by inserting the real panic situation of the jeep mishap, experienced by the jeep and the public and to his surprise, that portion seemed to take away the audience and the movie turned to be a great hit with a state Award.

This is thoroughly a fabricated one, who you enjoyed reading this stuff.

Appreciate your comments and views. Thanks for your valuable time 🙏


Carefully laid plans sometimes goes awry when changed to suit a certain situation. Movies are just that....carefully constructed to lessen any incident. By adding a touch of reality to the scene, one can't predict what will happen when dealing with unsuspecting people and circumstances. It was a miracle no one was injured. Although I can how the public would have been joyous over the excitement the live scene brought.

Thanks for sharing this story. An enjoyable read. Take care.

Thankyouu sooo much to know you enjoyed the read

It's interesting to hear that unexpected car accidents have also been used as movie fodder.

Ha...ha....that's why its called a story my friend.

Fabricated or not this story might be true.

Thank you for joining pic1000 👍

Thankyou 🙏


 8 months ago Reveal Comment

Thankyou so much 🙏