Power of the stream

in Freewriters9 months ago


In a Pacific valley, hidden away from crowded cities,flowed a stream named Shadow stream. Born from the melting snows of the great mountains, Shadow stream meandered through forests and meadows, a slivery ribbon weaving it's way across the landscape.

One spring morning, a young girl named Lizzy discovered the stream. She was an adventurous ones, always seeking hidden treasures. Lizzy had heard stories of a magical stream that could grant a single request. She wandered inside woods for days until she stumbled upon the Shadow stream.

Where water sparkled like a sunlight, and as Lizzy knelt to take a sip, she felt a warmth spread through her. She knew this was no ordinary stream. Remembering the stories, she closed her eyes and made a wish: “I wish to understand the language of the forest."


As Lizzy was saying her wishes out of her mind. The shadow stream starts to makes up a cool and gentle tune, during this process. Lizzy felt a strange feeling, prickling in her ears. She quickly opened her eyes, the forest around her seemed to be more alive. She could cheat the whispers of the trees, the song of the birds,and even the murmurs of the flowers.in the forest.

Lizzy spent her days examining the forest, learning it's secrets and making friends with its animals and plants. She helped the animals find food and shelter, healed the plants that were ailing, and resolved disputes among the creatures. Her bond with the forest grew stronger, and she became known as the Guardian of shadow stream.

One day, a severe drought hit the valley. The lovely pastureland turned brown, and the trees began to wither. Shadow stream flow weakened to a mere trickle. Lizzy was desperate to save her beloved forest, Lizzy sought the wisdom of the ancient oak, the oldest tree in the forest.

She went towards the oak tree, "you must follow shadow stream to its source," the oak whispered to her. "There, you will find the key to restoring the valley". Lizzy was so happy to hear this.

She determined, and set off on her journey. She followed the shrinking stream up to the mountain, through rugged terrain and dense thickets. Days turned into nights, and her resolve was tested, but she encouraged herself and continues her journey.


Finally, she reached the source of shadow stream, there is a crystal spring lie closely in a hidden grove. In the center of the spring lay a shining stone, inscribe with ancient runes. Lizzy placed her hand on the stone, and a vision unfolded before her. She saw a time when the forest was vibrant, nourished by the lifeblood of the stream. The vision showed her how to unlock the magic within the spring.

She gather her courage and confidence, she began to sing the song she had learned from the stream. As her voice reverberate through the grove, the inscribe on the stone glowed like a rising sunlight, and the spring bubbled with renewed vigor. The water surged forth, descending down the mountain and revitalizing shadow stream.

Lizzy raced back to the valley, joy filling her heart as she saw the stream flowing strong once more. The forest responded to the life giving water, and the pastureland were green, the trees stood talk, and the creatures rejoiced.

From that day on, shadow stream and Lizzy were inseparable. The stream's magic had granted her more than just the ability to understand the forest. It has given her a purpose, home and family among the creatures and trees.

Lizzy's legend spread far and wide, and people from distant lands came to see the Guardian of shadow stream and her enchanted forest. The stream continued to flow, a symbol of hope and renewal, reminding all who visited of the magic that exists in the world, waiting to be discovered by those with a brave heart and a pure determination.

Thanks for reading

Image one by Oleksandra Bardash
Image two by Cosmic Timetraveler
Image three by Carla Forgiven