Houses and other kinds of establishments are also near at the place and most of the structures can be seen near here are Factory, Schools, and even Eateries. The first structure we can found here is this great statue of the first people who founded the place. This park is the point were the first civilazation happend and as for that it was completely developed and marked by building this statue. It is made of solid concrete and painted with white paint to make it more attractive.
Centennial park consists lots of big and tall trees and some of the trees grows here are talisay trees which can provide a shady and cool site. It big leaves and wide branches can covered the large areas with shady views. Molave trees and acacia trees, this plant was already presserved for many years in fact there are lots of ornamental plants and trees are already planted to make the place cool and attractive. There are lots of wild animals like birds flying around here and some of it are building its nests on the branches of the trees.
Centennial park is a perfect place to do camping trips, this plain land were lots of bermuda grass covered the entire land at the park. Aside of that, a tall flagpole concstructed and supported with solid concrete also built at the middle of the Park. Palm tree planted near at the coast and it is properly organized to make it more attractive. Concrete blocks were lots of ornamental plants can be seen and a perfect views where the visitors can take lots of pictures using this site as a wonderful background.
Bricks and dikes are also built so the place can avoided collapsing the dry land land due to big waves. Large of stones and solid concrete are piled up to mak it really intact and a slope landscapes filled the dike. Visitors can also do swimming in this tempting crystal clear sea water. Solar streets installed inside of the park so that it helps to light up and shine the entire place during evening. There are some fishermen who set sail near in this area to catch lots of fish, every low tide, lots of big rocks and corals can be seen to the surface and this place will completely dry due to low tide.
Centennial park have baywalk on which, we can walked a few meters from park to the near place were the Mangroove sanctuary can be seen. This pathways made of bricks and solid concrete served as a waiting areas on which visitors or tourists can eat their lunch and snacks here. There are no cottages here but what it keeps wonderful here is the picnic activities were the Mats will placed to the ground and placing the food and snacks they brought from the trip.
This park can fit 100 tents and it is alwyas happend every summer season. Swing is also good in here and it only tied between two trunk of trees. Concrete benches is very important because it helps to all who loves to sit while watching the Sunset. This Park contains lots of wonderful and overlooking views particularly the seascapes that is why it is perfect to visit.
Thank you for visiting my post, have a safe travel to everyone.