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RE: Take my Breath away. Berlin.

in Worldmappin10 months ago

Hi @chocolatescorpi , I was there for 8 days, that trip has ended. I learnt so much and yes armed bodyguards and little old ladies, such a contrast


So was it a trip that could be comfortably fit in in 8 days, or too short?

What made you want to go there?

Was it easy to get in? (and out)

Yes 8 days was a good time, a balance of all things, I spent 3weeks in central America 6 months earlier and fell in love with the place, so wanted to see more of the area and learn about their recent memory troubles, no issues visiting, no visa needed had to go via USA I had an esta so that was ok too

Oh wow you lucky bugga! But still 3 weeks is not long to see so many amazing places though eh?

Does El SAlvador gett many tourists these days?

Whats an Esta?

An esta isa travel document you need to get to visit or travel through USA costs about £20 and valid for 3 years if I remember correctly.

El Salvador is very young in its tourist journey, we didn’t see any other “foreign” tourists at all. 3 weeks is never enough!

Oh Sweet thanks for letting me now.

I did stay in the USA many years ago but I don't remember having an ESTA so maybe its a new-ish thing - post 2000's..and good to know because I intend on traveling next year.

Think it would be safe for a middle aged white girl (OMG I can't just believe that I called myself middle aged. How RUDE! (but unfortunately a bit true...😭...) to travel through El Salvador herself?

Yeah think it’s since the twin towers, well I did it but as a white bloke 😂, part of an adventure group , a bunch of strangers , probably best that way

Oh how life has changed- since the twin towers and since I hit the big 50.

Pre twin towers travel anywhere wasn't as big as a red tape issue and when I was younger I was happy to travel alone- every where and anywhere...

Well now I am old and divorced I have the freedom to go where I please when I please! Being a baby boomer has its advantages 😂