¡Bendiciones para toditos! Les presento la septima iniciativa del año Ilustrando con Palabras que desarrolla la comunidad #soloescribe inspirados a través de un dibujo , en la cual, te invitamos a ti para que a través de un comentario bien creativo escribas ¡LO QUE SE TE OCURRA ! :
Blessings to everyone! I present to you the fifth initiative of the year Illustrating with Words developed by the community #justwrite inspired through a drawing, in which we invite you to write WHATEVER YOU LIKE through a very creative comment! IT HAPPENS! :

Los mejores escenarios que recreará tu musa, ¿Quién es?, ¿Qué hace, ¿En donde está? las condiciones que debes cumplir son:
✅Dale reblog a este post
✅Comenta y etiqueta a un amigo invitando a participar.
✅También apoya el comentario que mas te guste a través de un voto, ¡Eso ayuda muchísimo a la hora de escoger un ganador! ¡Diviertete respondiendo los comentarios!.
Te invitamos a suscribirte en la comunidad #soloescribe y si quieres apoyarnos puedes delegarnos HP a la cuenta @hive-164241
El comentario ganador recibirá: ¡100 PUNTOS Ecency y 1 HIVE! por motivo aniversario de nuestra plataforma.
Y si te inspiras para hacer un post ¡Adelante! ahí te dejo la imagen para que la uses como gustes.
Ahora bien, en cuanto a la iniciativa anterior de comentarios inspirados a través de un dibujo estamos agradecidos, tuvimos un total de mas de 10 vistas, 11 reblogs y 71 comentarios Estamos agradecidos y muy contentos por cada participación, cada una muy creativa y genial cada uno puso tu toque de humor y amor, aquí se demostró que los benditos michis siempre serán protagonistas.🤣
La gata se llama Fátima y pronto será madre primeriza, ¿Algún interesado en adoptar?
El ganador de los 100 puntos ecency con mas interacción en votos y comentarios corresponden a :
Siempre le esperaba en el borde del muro : atento a sus movimientos. Su curiosidad felina le prohibía apartar sus ojos de tan atractiva criatura. Era una chica rubia, la misma que veia en la pantalla del ordenador que usaba su amo, esa muñequita que reacciona después de que Ernesto golpeaba con ansiedad varias veces la tecla "E" para que soltara el poder especial.
Y luego se escuchaban las mágicas palabras :"DOBLE RAINBOW", seguidos de la risa victoriosa y un "les gane!". Era una tarde mas en League of Legends, su vicio favorito.
Lo que no sabia era que Odin. su negro felino, veía todas las noches a Lux, caminando por su muro, desfilando y coqueteando con el, tratando de convercerle para que fuese su montura, y así ir a recorrer todas las discotecas por las noches.
Razón tenia en lanzarle un zapato cuando a horas de la madrugada armaba un sendo zafarrancho, y era que andaba escapando del arcoiris doble de Lux, que furiosa le disparaba al no ceder a su petición de ser su montura.
Cosas que pasan en las noches felinas, de las que pocas veces sabemos nosotros los humanos.
Ahora los ganadores de los dos tokens LOH, uno de ellos es para:
1 @Numa26
"Pantera el Chismosito"
Pantera asombrado.
_Pero mira... fulanita, de nuevo lo está haciendo.
Se escapó de la casa, por la ventana de su cuarto!
Minina responde
_¿En qué líos estará metida? No, yo tengo que averiguarlo. Montaré mis guardias nocturnas a partir de hoy...
Días después... dice Pantera a Minina,
_¡Con razón!, esos ruidos y taconeos cada noche. La muy "niña", consentida de Rosita, la que vive en la esquina de abajo, se escapa con un tipo raro y cuando llega en la madrugada, de ¡quién sabe dónde!, se quita los tacones y entra por la ventana, como si no hubiese roto un solo plato de la vajilla.
_ Mininaaa, ¿Me estás escuchando?
_ Siii, no me grites, que se van a despertar los vecinos.
_ ¿Viste que no estaba loco cuando te decía, que por allí había gato encerrado?
2 @sacra97
Recuerdo que nuestra vecina Elena le gustaba caminar coquetamente por el frente de su casa. En una ocasión la michi la observo detalladamente, casi parecía que deseaba que Elena pelara la acera con esos zancos tan altos y acabara en la calle. Pero eso no sucedió en toda la semana. Elena continuaba paseando por el borde de la acera. Parecía desafiar la física de la calle.
La michi lo sabía que más hacer para reirse un buen rato. Así que fue por un poco de aceite de la empanadera de la esquina y casi disimuladamente la agrego al borde de la acera. Y por supuesto paso lo que tenía que pasar.
Elena cayó cuál larga sus piernas y sin lastimarse mucho. Muchos corrieron ayudarla a levantarse. La michi se reía a más no poder viendo por la ventana de su casa. Había logrado su objetivo reírse a costilla de su hermana Elena.
¿Qué? ¿pensaste que la michi era la gata de la imagen? Pues no era la hermana de Elena. La gata, sólo es una atravesada en la fotografía que quiso figurar ese día.
¿Te gusta dibujar? ¡Entonces esto es contigo!
Buscamos hivers creativos que les guste dibujar, para cada semana tener una iniciativa con un arte diferente ¡Y que mejor que con tu dibujo! el tema puede ser como gustes, porque al fin y al cabo es tu arte: divertido, suspenso, drama...
Si estas interesado entonces hazmelo saber aquí en la caja de comentarios con tu valiosa participación, así voy escogiendo quien dibujará la semana que viene y así sucesivamente.
Reiterando las invitaciones a quienes han participado de manera activa:

Agradecemos a nuestros aliados patrocinantes: @ecency, @melinda010100 @palomap3 por el aporte de PUNTOS ecency y a la comunidad de @ladiesofhive.
Plantilla final diseñada y personalizada en Canva
Traductor gratuito on line : DeepL
We welcome the artist who has created this wonderful image and that you can get in his NFT gallery, he is the appreciated @Manclar, who has left his work for you to illustrate with words an excellent story, drama, comedy, suspense, What you want!
The best scenarios that your muse will recreate are, Who is he?, What does he do, Where is he? The conditions you must meet are:
✅Reblog this post
✅Comment and tag a friend inviting them to participate.
✅Also support the comment you like the most through a vote. That helps a lot when choosing a winner! Have fun answering the comments!We invite you to subscribe to the #justwrite community and if you want to support us you can delegate HP to the account @hive-164241
The winning comment will receive 100 Ecency POINTS and 1 HIVE! for the anniversary of our platform.
We will also award two special mentions that will each win LOH Tokens from the ladies' community.
And if you are inspired to make a post, go ahead! Here I leave the image for you to use as you like.The initiative will be valid from March 24 to March 31 at noon, Venezuela time.
The winner will be announced in the next post.TALKING ABOUT WINNERS...
Now, regarding the previous initiative of comments inspired through a drawing, we are grateful, that we had a total of more than 10 views, 11 reblogs, and 71 comments. We are grateful and very happy for each participation, each one very creative and each one great. One puts your touch of humor and love, here it was shown that the blessed cats will always be protagonists.🤣
The cat's name is Fátima and she will soon be a first-time mother. Is anyone interested in adopting?
The winner of the 100 ecency points with the most interaction in votes and comments corresponds to:
I always waited for him at the edge of the wall: attentive to his movements. His feline curiosity prohibited him from taking his eyes off such an attractive creature. She was a blonde girl, the same one she saw on the computer screen used by her master, that little doll that reacted after Ernesto anxiously hit the "E" key several times to make it release the special power.
And then the magical words were heard: "DOUBLE RAINBOW", followed by victorious laughter and an "I beat them!". It was just another afternoon in League of Legends, his favorite vice.
What he didn't know was that Odin. His black feline saw Lux every night, walking along his wall, parading and flirting with him, trying to convince him to be his mount, and thus go to all the clubs at night.
She was right in throwing a shoe at him when in the early hours of the morning he was making a mess, and it was because he was escaping from Lux's double rainbow, who furiously shot him for not giving in to her request to be his mount.
Things that happen on feline nights, that we humans rarely know about.
Now the winners of the two LOH tokens, one of them goes to:
1 @Numa26
"Pantera the Gossip"
Amazed Panther.
*_But he looks... so-and-so, he's doing it again. *
He escaped from the house, through the window of his room!
Minina responds
_What trouble is she in? No, I have to find out. I will set up my night guards starting today...
Days later... Pantera says to Minina,
_No wonder! Those noises and clicking heels every night. Rosita's very spoiled "girl", the one who lives on the corner below, runs away with a strange guy and when he arrives in the early morning, from who knows where!, she takes off her heels and enters through the window, like if I hadn't broken a single plate of the dishes.
*_ Mininaaa, are you listening to me?
_ Yes, don't yell at me, the neighbors are going to wake up.
_ Did you see that he wasn't crazy when he told you that there was a cat in there? *🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 2 @sacra97
I remember that our neighbor Elena liked to walk >flirtatiously in front of her house. On one occasion Michi observed her in detail, it almost seemed like she wanted Elena to peel the sidewalk with those tall stilts and end up in the street. But that didn't happen all week. Elena continued pacing the edge of the sidewalk. * * She seemed to defy the physics of the street.
Michi knew what else to do to have a good time. So she went to get some oil from the corner bakery and she almost surreptitiously added it to the curb. And of course, what had to happen happened.
Elena fell with her legs long and without hurting herself much. Many ran to help her up. Michi was laughing like she couldn't while looking out the window of her house. She had achieved the goal of laughing at her sister Elena's expense.
*That? Did you think that Michi was the cat in the image? Well, she was not Elena's sister. The cat is just a cross in the photograph that she wanted to appear in that day. *
Do you like to draw? Then this is with you!
We are looking for creative hivers who like to draw, for each week to have an initiative with a different art. And what better than with your drawing? The theme can be whatever you like, because, at the end of the day, it is your art: fun, suspense, drama...
If you are interested then let me know here in the comments box with your valuable participation, so I can choose who will draw next week and so on.
Reiterating the invitations to those who have actively participated:
@aguamiel @lisfabian @florecitamejias @sacra97, @mafalda2018 , @sarix, @florecitamejias , @dorytagil2022 , @numa26 , @keila2002, @gpache , @pannavi, @ojsuarez2, @getheenspring , @ marybellrg , @manclar, @tibaire @joalheal , @esbat, @emiliorios, @sayury , @leanpoqui, @mermarg , @beaescribe , @astrea , @amaponian ,@darkfemme, @davidsantafe, @germanandradeg, @davidsantafe, @chacald.dcymt ,@richjr, @kreuter2022,@lecumberre, @cirangela, @sayury, @gastonrotta, @felpach and welcome to all those who wish to participate.Sources:
We thank our sponsoring allies: @ecency, @melinda010100 @palomap3 for the contribution of PUNTOS ecency and the @ladiesofhive community.
Final template designed and customized in Canva
Free online translator: DeepL