Hola mamis y papis de la comunidad
, es un gusto estar de vuelta por aca, me encantaria que fuera por otro motivo, pero esta vez vengo a contarles lo que me pasó con mi hija el fin de semana, para contarles un poco la experiencia y por supuesto para que sirva de prevencion para ustedes con sus niños.
Hello moms and dads of the community, it is a pleasure to be back here, I would love it to be for another reason, but this time I come to tell you what happened to my daughter over the weekend, to tell you a little experience and of course to serve as a prevention for you with your children.
Resulta que yo los he mal acostumbrado a que cada vez que salgo al centro o incluso al supermercado, al llegar les traigo algo, obvio que no siempre les compro algo, pero igual ya ellos se acostumbraron y siempre me piden algo al llegar, y el viernes pasado fui a comprarle un perfume a mi papá y al regresar a casa antes pase por el supermercado, y ellos llevan semanas pidiendome probar estas galletas pero yo siempre las evitaba, quizas el destino, quien sabe, el caso es que este viernes estaba en la caja y dije "les llevaré esto porque les encantara" ya que al fin podrian probarlas!! Se comieron su galleta y no habia pasado 1 hora cuando Ema tenian algunas rosetas en su barriguita y una pequeña cerca del ojo, en seguida supimos que era una alergia por la galleta, pero como ella andaba con gripe ya le habia fado antialergico en la mañana. Sin embargo le di un poco mas para que no le picara mas
It turns out that I have gotten them used to that every time I go out to the center or even to the supermarket, when I arrive I bring them something, obviously I don't always buy them something, but they got used to it and they always ask me for something when I arrive, and last Friday I went to buy a perfume for my dad and when I came back home I went to the supermarket, and they have been asking me for weeks to try these cookies but I always avoided them, maybe destiny, who knows, the thing is that this friday I was at the checkout and I said "I will bring them this because they will love it" because they could finally try them! ! They ate their cookie and not even 1 hour later Ema had some rosettes on her tummy and a small one near her eye, we immediately knew it was an allergy from the cookie, but as she had the flu I had already given her some allergy medicine in the morning. However, I gave her some more so she wouldn't itch anymore.
Luego nos fuimos a casa de mis padres que era el cumple de mi papá, y ella seguia con las rosetas, y en vista de que comió pastelitos que tenian queso (aparte fritura) luego comió sardina en unos.pastelitos que llevó la comadre de mi mamá, comió salchicha y pare de contar!! El caso es que se durmió en el cuarto de mi hermano y cuando fui a buscarla para dormir estaba mostra 😭
Then we went to my parents' house because it was my dad's birthday, and she was still with the rosettes, and in view of the fact that she ate pastries that had cheese (besides fried) then ate sardines in some pastries that my mom's mother's mother brought, ate sausage and stop counting! The thing is that she fell asleep in my brother's room and when I went to get her to sleep she was mostra 😭.
Tenia demasiadas rosetas, de hecho ya se le estaban como uniendo, asi que nos fuimos volando al hospital donde le pusieron esteroides para quitar las rosetas, y le mandaron mas cetirizina y otro esteroide pero en jarabe, cada 12 horas por 5 dias, aparte un regimen alimenticio, cero frituras, lacteos, embutidos, colorante, asi que supimos que tenia ya un proceso de intoxicacion que obvio se aceleró con todo lo que comió
He had too many rosettes, in fact they were already joining, so we flew to the hospital where they put him on steroids to remove the rosettes, and sent him more cetirizine and another steroid but in syrup, every 12 hours for 5 days, apart from a dietary regimen, zero fried foods, dairy, sausages, coloring, so we knew he already had a process of intoxication that obviously accelerated with everything he ate.
Ella estaba tranquila gracias a Dios, de hecho cuando vio que puse la camara me regaló una sonrisa 🥺 preciosa y valiente mi bebe
She was calm thank God, in fact when she saw that I put the camera she gave me a smile 🥺 precious and brave my baby.
Para inyectarla fue un proceso porque aua venaa son muy delgadas y produndas segun la enfermera, pero despues de un largo rato por fin le pasaron su tratamiento y 40 minutos despues ya estabamos en casa listas para dormir y con las rosetas ya desapareciendo.
To inject her was a process because the veins are very thin and deep according to the nurse, but after a long time they finally gave her her treatment and 40 minutes later we were home ready to sleep and with the rosettes already disappearing.
Las fulanas galletas son estas, y aunque a Chris no le
hizo nada, yo nunca mas las compro, y como no sabemos a que niño le hace bien y a cual no, mejor evitarlas asi que se las dejo por aca.
The so called cookies are these, and although Chris didn't like them, I never buy them again, and since we don't know which child likes them and which doesn't, it's better to avoid them, so I'll leave them here.
Por suerte mi bebe ya esta con su piel perfecta, pero sin duda me asuste mucho. Espero que les sirva la info.
Luckily my baby is now with perfect skin, but I was definitely scared. I hope you find the info useful.
Fotos tomadas con mi inifnix Hot 40i
Portada editada en PicsArt
Photos taken with my inifnix Hot 40i
Cover edited in PicsArt