Farming Bridge Airdrops

in LeoFinance11 months ago


Greetings, degen airdrop hunters and peaceful farmers!

By the time of writing this, the long-awaited Wormhole airdrop just happened, and the $W token just started trading. Unfortunately, I wasn't among the ones that were eligible for it. I do remember using one of their bridges, Portal, back when I was sending Luna back and forth between Terra and Fantom. I still have my old Terra Station wallet phrases but after reading the criteria, I realized that my total volume just wasn't big enough to qualify.

If you are like me and missed this somewhat big airdrop, I have good news for you: there are more of those!

One of the best things about farming bridge airdrops is the fact that you can easily combine the activities with other airdrops when you find a good opportunity on some other chain and need to bridge assets there.

In this article, I'm going to share a couple of routes I have recently used for bridging while at the same time farming two possible bridge airdrops.


I put my bridge airdrop farming in use when I recently received an airdrop from which I wrote more about in this article. After swapping the $ETHFI rewards on Uniswap, I used deBridge to bridge my $ETH from the mainnet to Arbitrum.


After paying the hefty mainnet fee, I was now on L2 and bridging would get a lot cheaper. Next, I bridged some Arbitrum ETH to Solana and changed the currency to be $SOL on the other end.

The cost of these transactions was about $3 which is a lot cheaper compared to my recent bridging from Ethereum to Mode L2(about $40). At the same time, I recorded some transactions with a nice volume for the possible future deBridge airdrop.

Base chain has been a hot topic lately and as degen as I am, just had to bridge there as well.


  • There seems to be a fixed protocol fee of 0.001 ETH + the chain which is just a couple of cents.
  • Bridging took just a couple of minutes.
  • Many chains supported:


deBridge has now become my go-to place when I need to send assets between the most popular chains. Little is known about the airdrop but if we use the recent Wormhole drop as a reference, I'm pretty sure it'll be based on volume, meaning there's going to be some sort of minimum. With Wormhole, it was $1,000 if I recall correctly.

One criterion could also be how frequently people use the bridge. The airdrop could very well favor those who use it once a week instead of those who bridge a large amount once and never return.


After bridging to Solana I kept some of my ETH on Arbitrum with a plan to send it to the Cosmos Ecosystem and while doing so, to farm the Hyperlane airdrop as well.

Hyperlane is a bit different than deBridge because not only one app will count toward the potential airdrop. For example, you can use the Nexus bridge which has support for chains such as Manta, Celestia, and Arbitrum. Then there's the NFT bridge, Merkly, which recently added the Hyperlane token bridge. With this one, you can bridge assets between Base, OP, Arbitrum, and Scroll.

If you want to fully farm Hyperlane, I'd suggest taking a look at this short video guide by Krypto Cove:

Some of the stuff may feel a bit complex with so many steps but if you follow closely, it'll work and you will position yourself quite well for the possible Hyperlane airdrop.

Note that the Merkly token bridge wasn't live when this video was recorded but it's working now so you might want to add that to your checklist as well.

💡 Bonus: Swap On Solana Using Jupiter

After I bridged to Solana, I'm back at my degen activities there and one thing that is good to keep in mind when swapping is Jupiter. Although they already airdropped their $JUP token to users, it was only the first batch and there should be 3 more to come. A good thing to keep in mind when going crazy on Solana!


There are a lot of airdrop opportunities on many different chains and I mean a lot! Most of us, myself included, simply don't have the time or the capital for all of them. That's why I'm really fascinated by the idea of combining different farming opportunities.

I mean, if I want to go to the Scroll chain to farm their airdrop, I have to bridge the asset there using some way of bridging. That's why it's good to find out which ones might be launching a token in the future. A points system such as with deBridge is a good indicator of an upcoming token airdrop.

I also know that many people are using different bridges to send assets back and forth to simply farm them. That's just fine if you are willing to lose those protocol fees. As for me, I try to combine my bridging to an actual need and focus my activities on just a couple of ones. That way I will hopefully keep the volume high enough to qualify.

That's all for today! Thank you for reading and see you on the other side! 🪂

New Airdrops To Farm:

🔸 MilkyWay - stake TIA farm MilkyWay airdrop
🔸 DFlow - bridge a minimum of $5 Solana tokens
🔸 Elys Network - easy 1 minute/day testnet
🔸 Grass - perhaps the easiest way to gain exposure for a potentially very big airdrop!
🔸 Archway - join the Archway airdrop waitlist
🔸 GRVT ZkSync Mystery Box - just log in and claim your first mystery box
🔸 - stake ETH for Points & EigenLayer points
🔸 Mode airdrop


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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you for sharing this information because I got disappointed in some of of the airdrops I did in the past. This post gives a refreshing insight.

Glad to hear that!

I've been writing a lot about airdrop farming recently and I try to share my honest experiences. I know how frustrating it can be and I've had some pretty bad experiences too. However, I'm constantly learning and sharing projects I have tested and believe can produce some nice drops!

Thanks for stopping by and please check out my blog, you might find some more inspiration if you are into airdrop farming. 😊🪂🟢