Today, when I opened my mobile phone in the morning, I found all the news talking about one thing: Bitcoin reached $97,000! I mean, whoever bought a long time ago and pretended not to notice, today he must be throwing a party at his house. This topic made me think about how quickly the world is changing, especially in the field of digital currencies. A year or two ago, we heard that Bitcoin dropped by 20,000, and people were saying that it was a bubble and would burst, and now it is close to touching 100,000.
At the same time, the XRP currency does not leave anyone to talk about it except for it. I feel that it has finally decided to show itself, and it has started to shine in a way that makes anyone who was holding it back in the past feel that their patience has paid off. XRP has always been a currency that has been playing in a different place, and many people used to say that it was asleep and would not do anything, but suddenly it started to wake up and take hold of the market.
What really attracted me was the enthusiasm in the groups, all the people were asking: Should I sell or should I wait? Will Bitcoin continue and pass 100 thousand? Or is it possible for it to come back again? And will XRP go up or is it just a temporary bubble? But what I learned over time is that whoever enters this field must have a strong heart and be patient, because the market can make you a millionaire in one day, and he may wake up the next day and find himself losing half of his money. As for me, I am enjoying watching and learning more. Maybe I haven't entered trading strongly yet, but this situation made me think about learning more and understanding the market well. Because it is clear that the future is really going towards digital currencies, and when Bitcoin was at $10, no one believed that it would be at $97 thousand. Who knows, maybe XRP will be the next surprise!

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And you, what do you think about that?
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