The Power of Starting Small: The First Step to Success

in LeoFinance7 months ago

In a culture that celebrates grand and risky transitions and being a successful entrepreneur ‘overnight,’ the concept of starting with incremental change can be easily dismissed. Many people tend to delay the start of something new, because they think that their first start up attempts would be too small or undeserving. But the reality is that going for small hits is one of the biggest good starts one can make to solve his/her target.
We’ve all heard it before “Success is not final, failure is not fatal”. So how do we as a society process and overcome the fear of failure?


Of all the challenges that people face in the process of starting something new, shyness is probably the worst. They fear that it won’t be enough or feel that success will not be guaranteed, and that they will fail the first time round. This, in turn, can lead to what might be called the ‘paralysis of anticipatory fear’, when they do nothing at all. However, when you begin small, the risk that you are taking is significantly smaller. In web design, mistakes needn’t be concealed in the same way they might in fine art, which may help when it comes to building momentum. This means you give yourself freedom to be creative, you are allowed to try, make errors without causing a major loss.

Building Momentum

It also means that one can start small and gradually expand their business in order to gain more clients. Any positive action that taken leads to improved status, it instills a feeling of wanting to do more hence forward movement. This momentum is important as it helps not to stand still and it does not matter how long the way will be or how difficult it is. Every win is also a step towards establishing confidence so that as you go along you are able to converge on the more complicated ones.

The Compound Effect

The other advantage of small beginnings is the real value of compounding returns. It is the cumulative effect and as little accumulations of money can add up to large sums of money, so small contributions can add up to large accomplishments. The key is consistency. What you are doing here is building a force, a force that in the long run will change the course of the game. It is a very useful approach in personal growth, the profession, and art, where steady work brings the greatest profit.


Learning and Adapting

Indeed you do that: when you begin in a small scale, all you are doing is to create a room for learning and development. Different strategies can be tried and observed, and what is effective can be implemented with relative security because the stakes are not too high. The flexibility is most useful in the formative period of any undertaking or any endeavor, for that matter. It also helps to sharpen up approaches, to get insights and to achieve a better view about how to win. In due course, such lessons form the fabric of your success; prevent you from making more significant blunders and empower you to make great decisions as you amplify your strategies.

Breaking Down Big Goals

However, while having huge goals can form a good start, which can at times be overwhelming. Procrastination or lack of start is also made worse by the fact that effective implementation might be challenging due to the sheer size of work involved. Dividing such goals assists in making them easier to achieve because you do not set out big goals without a clear plan on how to achieve them. Through breaking the goal into one small task it easy to accomplish because the overall aim is made smaller and thus easier to accomplish. It also means that it is easier to begin with and sustain because the results of the workouts are seen instantly.


Beginning with a small scale is not evidence of a lack of aspiration or power; it is a principle that works. In a way it let you move past fear, gather steam and gain some good lessons along the process. It should be noted that even in the case of the greatest dreams, imagination, and plans, they are as colossal as you want them to be, but in every case, it is necessary to take the first step. What starting small means that you are creating the opportunity that provides the basis to grow and improve and thus build success step by step. So, the message here is that there is no excellent moment or the perfect circumstances to take the first step – begin even today and see the progression as you progress to the next step.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


well we can do anything at the beginning, but we must make our attempts based on starting small and minimal and then adding the tally to make it count.
Only then can the balance be drawn and crisis of losing hope and money at the same time can be solved.