Being a beam of succour and stimulation.

To be an inspiration is to be a ray of hope, a beam of light that shines the path for those who might be lost or drowning in the depths of hopelessness.

Just like a lifeguard attentively watches for a drowning person and is quick to throw in a floaty so the drowning person can hold on to it and be drawn ashore.....this is what it looks like to be an inspiration.


I believe that I am an inspiration to thousands by virtue of my profession. Teaching kids on a daily basis, helping them walk the path that leads to a successful destination and being there for them in time of need is all I do effortlessly on a daily basis.


As an educator, regardless of the level that one is handling, we hold the power to shape lives and destinies, paving a way for the best that's embedded within each individual to blossom.


Time will fail me to talk about the multi-faceted ways that a teacher inspires thousands. Should I begin from foster parenting, a situation where the teacher automatically becomes the parent of her students or should I talk about care giving to the students.

A teacher also becomes an advocate, an activists against corruption for the child, a guardian, mentor and role model to these young ones who gleefully glean knowledge, facts and information, off the teachers.

How do you inspire others?

How I inspire others is by being my truth. I chose to sum it up this way because so many people in a bid to avoid criticism and societal backlash, hide certain things about their life, things I believe would help someone else avoid danger.

Some also due to fear of being labelled a failure, do the same. I will never take a person seriously who has had it all smooth in life. The journey of life is bumpy, there are highs and lows. So any successful person that says that he or she never erred is simply selling fake goods.


Being my truth means that I am transparent with the ones I am guiding. I am not afraid to tell them where I erred and also guide them on better paths so that they can avoid pitfalls.

It also means that I deal wisely and make certain decisions that will portray the right mindset to those I inspire. I try not to act recklessly or do things that will not reflect me in a good light.


From the way that I dress, my vocabulary, my carriage, my relationships and my choices, all these are done with a consciousness that "I've got eyes that are looking up to me and I want those eyes to see the beauty that can bud even from a dry rock".

To be an inspiration to thousands is a privilege that I greatly can say that it is my CREED.

Thank you all for reading.. shalom.

This is my response to one of the questions posed by @galenkp for the #weekend-experience community. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

All images used are mine.


It is nice having people you inspire with your teachings. Being a teacher gives you an edge toward instilling knowledge in young minds.

That's true and I'm glad to be one.

Thanks a lot sis 😍

I love your creed and one day, you will be rewarded. Yes, it is important for us to stay true to ourselves and be an inspiration everywhere we may find ourselves. The truth is that people are watching us and we cannot afford to let them down. Being a teacher requires a lot because you are helping to mould lives for the future.

Thanks for your inspiring comment dear sis... I appreciate you

You are a ray of hope indeed, love your smile

Awwn, thank you for the compliment @joeyarnoldvn. I appreciate you.
