WEEK 205: My all time motivation

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

Life is in such a way that its dealings are rotational; what do I mean by rotational? Whatever problem anyone is facing today has been faced by someone else already, and someone succeeded in crushing the problem no matter how strong it was. This is the reason for the saying, "Every problem has a solution."

That's the truth: no matter how tough a situation is, there's always a solution, and someone somewhere, maybe dead, won the problem with the solution.
That is my biggest motivation in life whenever I'm faced with a difficult solution. I will always have it in mind that someone somewhere has succeeded in it, so I must succeed and not going to give up.

I once had an experience where it my instinct came through for me.

In my second year in school, I had difficulties paying up my school fees, and my school system has it that once a student fails to pay school fees before an exam, he or she will not be allowed to write the exam, which means automatic failure for such students.
That semester, getting my school fees was so tough; my parents weren't financially buoyant at that time, and they kept promising and begging me to exercise patience while they find means to source the money. It was so bad that I was depending on them alone and wasn't doing anything, and it's not actually my fault that I wasn't working because the school schedule is so tight that one can't find any time to get a menial job.

I finally made a way to skip classes to go out to work but hey, it wasn't easy at all, the pay I got was so little that it couldn't get to 2% of the school fees and the worst thing was that, I missed classes and after the whole bustles during the day, I would sleep off at night due to tiredness and I wouldn't read or try to catch up with the classes I missed...the whole thing was affecting my whole system.

At that moment, it was just a week until the kick-off of exams, and my mind would go off anytime I heard warnings and announcements on how they're not going to allow those who haven't paid school fees to sit for the exams. All hope was lost, and there was no way at all because, the way parents were promising, it was obvious they were not going to be able to pull through.

But at a time, assurance of a way out came, and that was the mindset: since there were people who passed through the same trouble and they scaled through, I'm going to scale through too. I don't know whether it was God I trusted or myself because I never took it to prayer; I just configured my mind and believed that I was not going to miss the exam.

Guess what happened?
Just a day before the examination kicked off, the exam was postponed to the next three weeks, and before that time, my parents were able to send the money, and I paid it.

Thank You!

This is in response to the Weekend-Engagement prompt for WEEK 205

Pictures used are mine📸