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RE: A pen and a notebook: Presentation to more than 15 researchers on my holidays in Granada for a big sale (WEEK 220)

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

Ability to know equipment well enough to lecture by showing equations simply with a pen and paper goes a lot further than running around with a laptop demonstration sometimes.

People are more impressed with knowledge we are able to impart without relying on flip-boards visual aids.

@tipu curate


That is true.

In the last few years I have also moved into the commercial area.

I usually explain without presentation. I use day-to-day examples to explain technical concepts and I am doing well with this way of working.

Thanks for your support and comments.


Not having to rely on anything extra except your knowledge, conversing in such a way people do understand, keeps you more on track and in command of the discussion.

 7 months ago Reveal Comment