Weekend Adventures - A Wintery Start to 2025

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It has been a while and I should get a #WeekendExperiences (founded by @galenkp,) #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) post in before this autumn turns into winter!

A cold snowy Canadian winter weekend to share with the world and start out 2025 right.

The Prompt


Where were you and what were you doing on New Years Eve 1999, the day before the world as we knew it was supposed to end (on New Year's Eve 1999/Y2K)?

Back when Y2K promised to have planes dropping from the sky at midnight, I was in I/T support and software. So I was watching pretty closely. Not closely enough to cancel any new years plans or lose a moment of partying! 2000 does seem like quite a while ago but New Years Eve was spent with friends and close family, like it was again this year. Most likely way too many beers back then too.



After a couple false starts, Winter has settled in this weekend. Temperatures consistently below freezing, brisk wind making often making it feel colder, and steady snow. Perfect weather for a weekend of doing wintery stuff.


Hockey has got to be one of my favourite winter things! I love following it in the arena and on television as a fan and even more when I get to play. I stole an extra weekend from the holidays and got into the big city to play with the guys. I really need to get more games in so I am close to game shape by the big tournament Easter weekend.


With all this white stuff, we have a little work to do as well. Lucky for me, I have a snow blower and a young one willing to plow the driveway for a few bucks! You can see about a foot over a couple days and I am happy for the help.


No matter the weather, the little guy loves his visits to the park. The sun sets early this time of year so weekends are about the only time I can get to dog wars while it is light enough to have other dogs. This weekend was awesome for that as we spent around 3 hours total in his winter wonderland.



Golf actually IS a winter sport up here. Only indoors though. Still we have been lucky enough to get a couple rounds in at a fantastic indoor facility in town called Fore Everyone Golf https://www.foreeveryonegolf.ca/ This was actually a couple days before New Years so we enjoyed a little Birdie Juice with our nachos. FORE!



Though we are heading into Dry January, we still need to keep the kegs full for when February hit! The doors of the brewery are closed in the colder months and we kegged up 120 litres of IPA and Golden Ale.

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speaking of Dry January, we used that as an excuse to still the alcohol off a keg of the Golden Ale to make non-alcoholic beer. It will most likely taste like proper ass like most NA beer but might be a surprise or a nice treat when real beer is off the menu. Neat process. I will let you know how it turns out.


In true Canadian style, I didn't let a little snow stop me from enjoying a little BBQ. Shovel a little path, light er up and let the heat melt the foot of snow from the top! Good end to a sublime Sunday with #weekendadventures including some sizzling sausages!




How was your weekend?


I didn't know you play hockey, what position? I'll take some of that non alcoholic beer o'er here please! :D

Whatever position is needed. Not very competitive hockey but super fun.

They usually taste grainy and soapy to me but they will have to do for this month!

That's cool! So you have even played goalie, that's tough. What's your favourite position?

Not goalie in a very long while but I love playing Center. More skating and I love face offs.

He's the Waterboy 😆 🤣 😂 As for non-alcoholic beer.. just pee in a cup.. refrigerate for 24 hours then enjoy


 last month Reveal Comment

Sure looks liek winter has taken a hold there, its been pretty cool here but not much snow yet


This is what it looked like here this morning...



Brrrrrrr far to cold for these old bones

Serious though.. what hockey position? Way to shovel so you can properly smoke the sausage (no homo).. How's the indoor golf? Have you tried VR golf?

I love to play center but everyone does. So, it is right wing usually or defense when we are short back there.

Indoor golf is pretty damn fun. It is as much as a video game as it is golf but I like both so it works out.
Never tried VR golf. Sounds like a great smoking activity!

Actually VR is not really smoke friendly.. the headset gets in the way..

It was such a great task to see a snowy place like that and I really wanted to be able to play in the snow.

Oh ya my little guy loves it. Sometimes, I will take the kids tubing down the snow hills and that is pretty fun.



 2 months ago Reveal Comment
 2 months ago Reveal Comment