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RE: Fiction: The ghost of the Abbey. Horror Story. Original Content. EN/ESP.

in The Ink Well10 months ago

This is certainly a scary story, with a lot of atmosphere. Your use of descriptive language is effective. We can understand why the three boys would endure the fear--they explain clearly the motivation for joining the fraternity. It will benefit them eventually in life.

You use both fiction and creative nonfiction tags. This is confusing. The story is apparently fiction (?) but your first tag is creative nonfiction. Please clarify.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @osomar357


Hello @theinkwell, very good afternoon, the story is fiction, the thing about the tag is that I have the fiction format and the non-fiction format in template within Ecency, and I made a mistake in the template where I published.
That is, publish a story of feiicon, in the non-fiction template.It was my mistake,
Excuse me.#