Grains as vitamin and mineral supplements have always been part of the nutritional trumpet for their nutritional qualities: muscle mass, is energy for our body.
We meet many foodies who do not like to eat grains in their daily diets.
I grew up watching my mother prepare, as she used to say, a bean stew, in a wood fire of berry beans (the brown ones) to feed many people in the family, delicious, however, they were not to my liking, I still ate them not with much pleasure. Many years have passed since I became a housewife, black beans are my favorite and I taught my children to eat black beans, they were usually the most prepared beans.
When we lived through changes in our country, beans became part of the diet due to the food shortages that were very pronounced at that time.
The frìjolitos bancos, banquets, and banquets that are not blackheads bring back the memory of the time of Holy Week, they are part of the tradition of the meals of those dates. I really wanted to eat them and it was time to prepare and enjoy them.
Para estos frijoles se usó lo siguiente
1/2 kilo de frijoles blancos
1 chorizo ahumado
3 granos de ajo
1 litro de agua
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato
Sal al gusto, cúrcuma, pimienta negra, comino, aliño de ajo.
For these beans, the following was used
1/2 kilo of white beans
1 smoked chorizo sausage
3 grains of garlic
1 liter of water
1 teaspoon of baking soda
Salt to taste, turmeric, black pepper, cumin, garlic seasoning.
The grains in the pot were put in bicarbonate to soak them and wash them afterward. While they are soaking, the chorizo, onion, and garlic are finely chopped. Set them aside.
After washing the beans and removing the bicarbonate, add water to boil them and soften them.
When the beans are soft, fry the chorizo, onion, and garlic. Salt to taste.
The sofrito is united with the beans, and the seasonings are added: turmeric, cumin, and garlic seasoning (it gives a lot of flavor).
When all the ingredients are united, it is left a moment more in the fire. Then serve and enjoy the preparation with pleasure.

Imagen de portada. Fotografìa propiedad de la autora, editada en Canva con sus propios recursos, febrero 2024.
Fotografìas propiedad de la autora
Divisores Fuente
Cover image. Photograph property of the author, edited in Canva with her resources, February 2024.
Photographs property of the author
Dividers Source