The Bronze Horseman is an equestrian sculpture located in the Senate Square of St. Petersburg. It owes its name to the poem of the same name by Aleksandr Pushkin. It was made by the French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falcone in honor of Peter the Great, founder of the city. The order to build it was given by Catherine the Great, who also ordered the following inscription to be made: "Petro Primo Catharina Secunda MDCCLXXXII" in Latin. Which means something like: "Catherine the Second to Peter the First, 1782." It is considered a masterpiece of world sculpture and a symbol of the place.
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The construction of the sculpture began in 1775, with the corresponding casting and pouring of the bronze necessary to make it. The face of Peter the Great was made by Marie-Anne Collot, a student of Falconet. For the construction, she collected information about the features of the Tsar, his death mask and the different portraits she found in St. Petersburg.
The Bronze Horseman does not rest on a constructed pedestal, but on a huge 1,600-ton granite monolith, which was found near St. Petersburg and served the purpose of the sculpture. It had to be excavated to be removed and had to be carried by several men six kilometres, without the aid of animals or machines, to the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Its transport to the chosen location took 9 months.
Finally, on 9 August 1782, fourteen years after the excavation for the pedestal had begun, the monument was unveiled at a ceremony attended by many guests. The sculpture shows Peter the Great sitting on his horse, with one arm extended towards the Neva River. The sculptor captures the moment when the horse is standing on its hind legs at the edge of a spectacular cliff.
The Bronze Horseman is full of symbolism. Its wave-shaped pedestal symbolises Peter the Great's desire to conquer the Baltic Sea; The two-legged horse refers to the reform of Russia carried out by the Tsar; the laurel wreath on the Tsar's head represents glory, the snake trampled by the horse alludes to the enemies and problems he had to face in order to carry out his reforms.
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