A few months ago, I asked Aimee if she would ever collect anything.
I wasn't sure if there was anything that she was interested in enough to go out and actively collect something, he same way I collect Star Wars stuff. Collecting isn't for everyone, but it was something I was curious about.
She wasn't sure, but she said she wouldn't mind.
Then, a few weeks after that, we came across some cool Simpsons figures and thought it would be something she'd want to get into.
This is an entire collection we came across.
The Simpsons Ultimate's was the line we came across originally which caught her eye. The figures are really cool, fairly tall and also pretty pricey, but we thought it would be a cool to get them occasionally to build up the set.
These, on the other hand, was a line she came across online, and after a bit of searching we actually found someone selling this entire lot.
I offered to go splits with her, but in an offer and the person accepted. Now that they're here, we realised we actually have nowhere to put them, so it's time to search for some shelving.
They're highly detailed, semi-posable, and they have some accessories each.
There are some fairly obscure characters, but for me personally, I think the McBain figures are my favourite.
The Troy McClure ones are also really cool, especially since they're also double box sets. However, there are only 3 of those, where as the others have 4 packs each.
The Treehouse of Horror sets are really cool too.
Willy, and Homer with Snakes hair are my favorites from those, but I think they're all really cool.
Aimee said she wants to open them, and I understand the urge, but I think they're be better off staying in their packaging. Especially since the packaging is in good shape, and nearly all of them are unpunched.
She is a huge Simpsons fan... Older - Mid Simpsons, anyway. As am I. So it's cool to have these figures, and for me, I like seeing her happy, and entering the weird world of collecting.
Aimee has her eyes open for some more Simpsons stuff, and has even came across other things, like band figures.
I have an idea for a good display for the figures where they'll all be visible, and not take up too much space, but first things first, we need shelving.
Also, I'm looking into buying some protector cases that I have some of my boxed figures in.