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RE: My Actions Where Fear & Drawbacks Cease To Exist

in HiveGhanalast year

Here’s some motivation to get into the habit of saying no and speaking up more: people use people pleasers (that’s what people who don’t or can’t say no are called) until they suck you dry.

Once people pick up on the fact that you’re a people pleaser, say goodbye to having your own free will, cos it’s over. You become a slave to people’s opinions, their wants and everything. You lose yourself. I hope this scares you enough, my friend.🙂

As for the investing in web3 part, I’m not discouraging you or anything, but I’d be careful on how much and what you invest in. Remember that our investment we did all that calculation for? How’s that going for us now?😂😂


Oh yeah, I feel scared and I hope I stay scared when I'm faced with the real life situations.

Lol that's true o, anyways, we move and we know better now 😅