Tolerance in the Workplace for Enhanced Collaboration and Productivity

in HiveGhanalast year

Hello everyone,

This week’s topic are really beautiful and I will be talking about tolerance and one can actually cope with others in order to have a peaceful working environment.
We find ourselves in a work place where there are a lot of people are been employed and this individuals are from different background, family and have a different belief system and values. It is true that when we have a collaboration and agreement to do a particular thing its tends to work fast and better because of the collective ideas from this different seeing things from different perspectives. While this may be accurate, but most times lack of tolerance in the work place can cause a lot of cohesion and productivity affecting the growth of the work.


As humans we will find ourselves in one way or the other working as a team in an organization, it is very important to have a prepared heart for offense, and also respect and treat others rightly. There should be a room for others to say something and express themselves too no matter their positions in the organization this will make them feel valuable and needed in the organization, when there is a room for self-expression you will get to know what they think and feel better, that will help you understand them and give you a better idea on how to relate with them.

When you hear of the tolerance its means something we are not comfortable with but just have to endure for the sake of peace and unity, most times its may be our beliefs, values and since we are from different background you don’t have to judge others because you don’t see things the way they do. Sometimes things like gender, age, may be what we need to tolerate in order to work in unity. There are some people we meet at work place and we know for sure they are far older than us, and sometimes we are in a better position than them, we still need to acknowledge the fact that the are older than us irrespective of our work position. Being in a better position than them maybe because of our certificate or work experience should not in any way bring in insult and disrespect.

another unique way to tolerate people is to correct them with love, you see nobody is bad its just that the lack love in their heart and the best way to follow them up is with love, if we correct people when they are wrong in private love and humility of heart, instead of making a public show of their mistakes, you will realized that its was lack of ignorance they did what they did and even if they knew it when love leads they will be shock to see how you forgave them and handled the matter instead of punishing them that is just the best way to tolerate others and you will see a change and unity in the work place.


Aww I like it how you said nobody is bad and the best way to correct them is full them with love
I understand when people act someway and it’s fine because we all have different backgrounds

Yes oo if you try love towards people even with their bad attitude the love will shine in their heart and cause a change. Thanks for stopping by dear

You’re welcome

It must be understood that everyone we meet have different backgrounds and different understanding of how things ought to be done, dealing with people in patience and love would go a long way to ensure productivity at work


Yeah that's very correct different people with different mindset, values and beliefs. Thanks so much for stopping by

I feel being good or bad is dependent on the intent of a person and how they see themselves, there are people who will tell you that they know they are bad, and their attitude reflects it.

However I would also say you can not tolerate everybody, I thought I could until I met some attitudes that get under my skin.

There are those you tolerate, there are those you just have to accept for who they are, and they are those you avoid because they can jeopardize your life with their toxicity. Imagine tolerating someone who wants you out of their way because they see you as a threat

Hahahah I can totally understand from your own point of view there are some people are just wicked. Hmmm God will help us all

Yeah right, God help us