Greetings everyone.
When it comes to the issue of selecting my preference between home-cooked meals and takeout meals, I'm very straightforward and truthful as it relates to me. I deal with home-cooked food more, and I also go for takeout meals when I feel it's time to do so.
There was a particular day when we went for fieldwork in one of the typical rural villages in my state of residence. When it was time for lunch, we decided to eat in a local canteen and ordered the only meal they prepare there, which is 'Banga Soup'. To be very sincere, I've tasted that soup many times both in restaurants and at home, and I will say that no one can beat the taste of that particular one in that canteen. The taste was so heavenly to the extent that I wished I had the superpower to relocate the canteen to the city where I reside.
What am I saying in essence? To me, some takeout food is sweeter, and that's the reason that makes me go for it when I feel I want to have a different taste because normally, I always have food at home. Cooking is never a big deal to me because I do it very quickly and don't sleep on it like some people do especially the ladies.
I know you may want to say that it's a lie to say takeout food is sweeter. Well, that's your opinion, and probably you have poor food centers there. Lol 😅 Also, some people, especially women, will never agree to the fact that the food (a very delicious meal) they bought outside is sweeter than the food they prepared at home. We know the truth!
Currently, my house is surrounded by these restaurants that don't know how to cook, so it's a no for me to patronize them because I can't see myself buying food that's less tasty than what I have at home.
Maybe you've read about my encounter before:
One night I came back from a journey without any food items in my kitchen to cook, so I decided to give the nearest restaurant to my house a try. Guess what happened? I ended up buying seasonings to recook the soup so I could eat it. So bad!
In response to the hiveghana prompt which asked us to choose which one to go for in a situation when I'm very hungry and there's no food at home.

Like I said earlier, cooking has never been a big deal to me, and that's because I do it very quickly. I don't see myself spending 5 hours preparing a meal when I'm not in a cookathon. Hey! Even in my short time of cooking, it still comes out nice.
I've been living alone for so many years, and I've adapted to this lifestyle of going to the market myself, buying food items, and making a very delicious meal. I made one yesterday, and I've been going to the kitchen every 2 hours to have a bite just to tell you how delicious it is.
I can only go for takeout food when I actually want to have a different taste from what I normally eat, and I don't settle for any taste; I go for the best, which is always costly here.
Oh yeah, eating out is very expensive compared to cooking at home. It's been like that since the day Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden.
Thank you for reading.
This is my response to Hiveghana prompt of the week