Who is still using paper calendar on the wall?

in HiveGhana9 months ago

Greetings everyone!

Late last year, around December, a shop owner who sells motor oils and motor spare parts close to my house asked me if I would use a calendar for 2024...the man is elderly in his 60s
The companies he buys goods from had given him up to 10 calendars, and he was looking for people to give them to. When I heard it, I stifled a little laughter because I hadn't seen a calendar in someone's house, let alone mine, in a long time. Maybe it's because I haven't been visiting people much lately, but it seems rare to see a calendar in someone's home nowadays.

I felt it would be a bit awkward to reject such an offer, so I told him to give me one. He went into his car and handed me one, which I appreciated very much. Five days passed without me remembering to hang the calendar on the wall. Maybe it was because the calendar didn't have the date of the particular year on the cover(the calendar is for 2024 only).

I flipped it open and turned to the first page, which was January and February 2024.

Upon seeing this prompt:

"What’s that one object in your home that you have no use for, and why are you still holding on to it? Was it a gift, a childhood toy, or a generational object that runs in your family?"

The first thing that came to my mind was the calendar. I went in to check and saw that the calendar had been on the same date and page I placed it on since December 2023, which means I haven't been using it at all. I haven't gone to the wall to check anything on the calendar because, of course, I have my phone, and my phone is everything.

Who else is still using a calendar in their home?

If you go around asking many homes about using a calendar, you'll see that a good number of them may have a calendar, but they don't use it. While writing about this, I asked some friends on my contact list, and many of them responded that they don't have a calendar in their homes. I didn't stop there; I messaged my mom and sisters at home because we usually have a calendar in the parlor. I asked them if they've been using the calendar at home to check dates, and they said no. They aren't even sure if dad, who put it there, is using it.

So that's my case: the calendar has been there since last year, and I've never opened it to check the date or for any other reason. In fact, it's just there as a decoration because the photos on it are enticing.

Funny enough, the calendar is still going to be there till the end of the year and probably till next year because I know that after today, I won't remember where it's hung or go to check it for anything. I know the pages and months (May and June 2024) I placed it on today are going to stay there till the end of the year unless something pushes me to flip it to align with the current month.

Thanks for reading.

** This is my entry to Hiveghana prompt of the week**

Photos used are mine


I don't know about others but I still cherish paper Callender because it is one of the things that I can make use for without having to use my smartphone.

Pop in from #dreemport

So I just met one person that's still using a calendar.
Your own is good.
My phone is always with me and it's easier for me to check date than walking to the wall to check it as if I'm playing pools. Lol😅

Thank you for stopping by bro

You are welcome

I dont remember the last one we had!

but come december, there'll still be lots in shops

Seems there are a lot of people out there still using it that's why companies are still coming up with calendars😅

Thank you for stopping by

It's been a while since I've seen a paper calendar, perhaps technology has taken all the attention. I would still appreciate having one available, some have nice designs.


That's very true.
Some of them are good wall decorators.
Thank you for stopping by

Hahaha. Come to think of it, I haven't seen it in anybody's homes for a long time now. It's not in mine as well.

There was one a colleague of mine gave me, that one we place on a desk at my workplace. I still have the one of 2023 and the thought of discarding it felt somehow to me. So I am still holding on to it for now 😃😃😃😃

Came in from dreemport.

This kind of thing happens very well in Staff rooms of teachers in government school.
Keeping old calenders on the desk is like a culture.
Is that the kind of place you work??

Yeah.. we don't use paper calendar here in our house but the calendar is necessary to the fishermen here in our place because it has a reminder for high and low tide.😊

You just reminded me
So my brother still has 2023 calendar and I’m sure he doesn’t even know or he knows but doesn’t feel like changing it because of digital calendar now

I don't have any paper calendar anymore o 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Once the year expires, I use it to wrap my daughter's books for school 🤣🤣🤣

I have a table calendar in my house oo even though I have a phone, haha.