Trust no one

in HiveGhana16 days ago



This life is a lesson, and seriously, lesson are to be learnt but the only thing is that, how do we learn our lessons? Is it in a hard or otherwise? One thing that's more than sure is that we're all going to learn our lessons, but the way through which individuals will learn their lessons is what will determine the outcome of the lesson being learnt or to be learned.

One thing about life lesson is that, it add more experience and credence to our life no matter how it's learn, and this experience being learnt from any lesson in life even if bad or good cannot kill, but add to one's wisdom in life. It helps to shape our lives on what to do, how to do it and even when and where to do it another time, meaning, learning from the past mistake or lesson will only prepare one from avoiding it the next time.

So, going by this week prompt on the hiveghana, I will like to share the tough lesson of mine. Like I said earlier, everybody in one way or the other will learn their lesson, but it will be good to learn from others than to learn from your own mistake. This is because learning from one's mistakes will only be a lesson learn in a hard way, but when one learn from others then, it will help to guide against such a mistake such a fellow has made.

Sometimes ago, when I was to start a business of my own, I trusted a friend and the friend later betrayed me. It's in my second year in the university, when a thought came through my mind to start a business of my own. This was to serve as a source of income to supplement what I was being given from home. So, the idea of supplying sand and other building material came to me, and I started it with a friend being invited to help me oversee it since i was in school and not around as I couldn't combine both my academics and business together.

So, I started the business and started well with supplies coming in not even as expected, but beyond my expectations. Then when we started, this my friend used to be accountable to me and he was so sincere, but it got to a point that everything about him changed and I couldn't understand him anymore. Instead of him being sincere like he used to do, he completely changed all his good attitude to bad ones and in the process, he hijacked the business and all what I have laboured for.

Not knowing to me, he had started this plan since after 3 months of me starting the business with him and as a result, he struck when it's ripe for him to, though, I have planned to expand and enlarge my coast as regard the business, but this his action brought all my plans to an abrupt end and till now, I couldn't do anything as regard the business again.

So, with everything this my friend did to me, I have learnt that, no everyone are to be trusted, though not everybody has this kind of a bad attitude, but alas! One needs to shine his eyes before calling on anybody to come and eat as betrayals are always lurking around seeking whom to betray. This is one of the many lessons life have thought me.

Another lesson I have learnt so far is not to start what you cannot oversee yourself. Yes, you can delegate functions, but you must not leave the main decision to be taking by others than you. Leaving the main decision to be taking by my friend who's not the brain behind the project really left me stranded. But thank when there's life, there's hope.

So, like I said earlier on, this life in itself is a lesson and lessons are meant to be learnt both in a hard way or otherwise.

This is my entry to the hiveghana weekly prompt.

Thanks for reading.

Picture sourced.


The fact that all hands are not equal probably there are individual differences too. We have good and bad nut on every society.

Yes ooo

Trust these days is hard to give as everyone will walk over you to get what favours them.

Yes ooo, thanks for stopping by

Just three months into the business? That was so wild. I’m sorry you had to learn the hard way.

Trust is a very delicate element, more dangerous when placed in the wrong people