in Daily Bloglast month

Hi friends @dailyblog community, it's your humble girl @happy080. How are you all doing? Actually the dry season has started fading gradually, it rained twice this week in my area.
Actually i really needed that rain,maybe it will help to wash away the excessive cough and catarrh that almost every body has. How is the weather around your country,city or area? Is it the same as well?

I am thrilled to share with you part of my job description and how my day looks like. My job description is a very sensitive one, I pay attention to every single details and every single thing concerning the kids I am specifically caring for. I am a mother when i need to be, I am a teacher when the need arises, I am a guidian when I need to be. I can be anything at any point in time so that they can stay coordinated and actually stay focused to learn as they are in school.

The I.C.T (that is: information and communication technology teacher) asked the children to design a specific bank name,given as ZENITH BANK. Drew the design on the marker board and also projected it on the board for the children to see and learn.
Haven given the children numerous ideas and examples,he then asked the children to design the logo given. Many did well, others needed help which included the special kids, now i have to come in to assist. Providing the needed help wherever necessary.

Eventually they tried their best as their effort was commended by the I.C.T (Information and Communication Technology) teacher.

Children tend to do better especially when they are praised and encouraged. Even adults do the same,The children got a very good recommendations from the I. C.T. teacher. Even when their designs of the "ZENITH BANK" was not properly crafted (so to speak) they were given a very good grades for even trying to attempt the task, good team work and especially individuals endeavors.

The children were happy as they walked majestically back into their various classes.

Thanks friends @dailyblog community, for reading through my blog. I love you all. Always.❤️


Great job keep up the good work for assisting and giving them knowledge
