My resolutions assessment

in Hive Reachoutlast month


Towards the tale end of the past year, one thing that preoccupied my mind was change and then, I was eagerly waiting to embrace this change of a thing, not only that, even my plans towards actualizing this great change was in top gear as I was full of life and hope of what's coming my ways in the new year and waiting to say my goodbyes to the outgoing year, a year full of ups and downs and thick and thins. So, with this I was eagerly waiting for the year 2025 to surfaced.

So, looking forward to achieving and embracing this was my.priority and this is because, I knew what it takes to embracing it, though, people say change is constant which I totally agree to, but the processes of changing from ones ways of life or addicted nature is always difficult and this is because, it's to do with fighting alot of forces such as addiction or even some innate habit that one has been living with for a bery long time and mind you, it's like breaking barriers when trying to build and live a new life and for one to build and live a new life, disciplined is at stake. So, resolution is solely built on discipline and for one to embrace changes in life, one must be disciplined and resolute.

Now, seeing this week prompt gave me a very good chance to see how disciplined I am to pushing through my resolution, it really helped me to accessing myself on my current standpoint on actualizing my new year resolution. Not only that, this prompt also gave me a platform of evaluating myself and how well I have been coping with my resolution and with my assessment and evaluation, I was able discovered that i have tried my best, and not leaving the rest, seriously one thing I have also discovered so far when it comes to my new year resolution is that I'm not resting on my oars but fighting day and night to achieving more. To be candid to all, I'm keeping the fire burning.

Like I said earlier, towards the tale end of last year and while I was eagerly looking towards the new year with the changes I was so resolute to embrace, I was able to assess myself and pointed out those areas of my life that I would need to work on and make amends, then, I didn't only pointed these things out, but wrote It down, both in my diaries, on a sticky note and even, in my heart. So, written these things down has really helped me to working assiduously on it every moment of the year, though not there yet, but I think i have been to make progress on some of the resolutions. Some of things I was so resolute to change from my last years are: procrastination, low self esteem, anger, fear just to mention but a few.

In the past years, one cankerworm that has eaten me deep down inside was procrastination, this procrastination really affected my journey in life and has caused me more harm than good, like I have shared it both on the blockchain and with people around me in recent times, this word called procrastination really affected me in all I do, but the one I will not forget in a rush was the one where I lost a contract worth millions of naira, due procrastination, I wrote it and even told people how I lost the contract due responding to the contractor demand on time, so, because of my late response in giving him the quotation and calling him a day after after he has asked for the quotation, he told me not to worry again and gave the contract out to someone else, so anytime I passed by and still see the construction that just slipped out of my hand still ongoing, I used to feel bad, but that was last year, so, this year, I was not only working towards fighting the cankerworm called procrastination, but also resolute towards achieving it, and this I have done with my full strength, now I don't waste or postpone things even to the next seconds again, whenever there a call to doing something now, I rose and meet up with the time.just last week, some called me to supply him a 25tons of granite, he called for the price in the morning and I gave him.even on the same spot and this is because I now have the price written all over me. The same day I supplied the goods and I made my profit, though not up to the contract I lost due to my procrastination, but I'm happy and happy and this is because it's not about the money, but about my resolution of waging war against the cankerworm that has eaten me deep which is procrastination.

Another thing I have been able to be resolute about while coping with my resolution in the year 2025 is the putting on a high self esteem and waging war against my low self esteem which has in the past years drew me a thousand miles back, in the past years, I don't used to be what I once use to be, there were times in the past I used to be the bride to all, when it comes to seeking advice, giving them ideas and so on, people will always consult me for such things, also, there were times I used to do well in my businesses, but it got to a time when i.lost everything due to my taking the wrong steps and ever since then, I lost my esteem and confidence and to believe in myself has always been my greatest problem, but in this my new year 2025 resolutions, I made mind to fight against it so as to have and take back my rightful place, so I have been able to be resolute about moving out on my low self esteem status where I used to look down on myself to building back my lost confidence and this has really spur me to greatness, now i can do more than what i used to do in terms of investment, can address large number of people by motivating them using my past experience and a whole lot more. What a total transformation. Though, all these come with it sacrifices, but I'm please to be resolute towards changing the radar.

Also, another thing I would be thanking God for is my stance on working against my fear, fear has been one of my contending issues coming into this. This fear has really caused me my progress in life, but now, I have been able to do justice against it. Though not in full, but I have really gone far by attacking my fear as my attack is the best form.of my defense. Sometimes last year, I was to start my own car wash, but unfortunately, with all the resources at my disposal, I could not even set up the business due to the fear of the unknown. This fear gulped me up that I was thinking of who are those people that will be patronizing me? wouldn't this be a waste of resources? all these and many more were the fear that I was nursing in my mind, but hadn't been I have taken the bull by the horn then, I would have recorded more than the success I'm currently recording now, and this is because, in my 2025, new year resolution, I made it point blank that I will execute those thing fear had hindered me to achieve last year and thank God my resolution has worked and just last saturday, I started. Though the turn over has not been encouraging, but I believe very soon, things will change, but it's not even about that, but being resolute about it matters to me alot.

One more thing I would like to talk about while coping with my resolution is anxiety and overthinking, in the past year, I have always been anxious about everything, apart from that, the rate I used to overthink cannot be overemphasized, but thank God, I now take things lightly and gently and since I have started that, things have become new for me.

Also, I have been able to curtail my anger which has once led me to being queried by my boss at work, on this fateful day, one of the senior staff at my place of work got me angry and instead of me reporting him to the management, I flared up and it resulted into fracas, it's then the management stepped in and I was issue query, for disrespecting my senior colleague and the management of the school, but after what happened, I made peace with the man and apologized to the management. Though I answered the query because it was not retrieved, but I'm happy I made a truce with the man and now, things has really changed about my anger as it's subsided. Though I still get angry, but not to sinning and this was because I was so resolute of being a better person.

All these and many more are the ways I have been able to cope with my 2025 RESOLUTIONS, though, not there yet, but one thing that's making happy and joyful is that I'm not far from actualizing all my resolutions. Even the little I have done so far is speaking loud and clear about me and people are wondering of how I have become a new and better person, they could not believe the transformational change that has taken place in me. Change is constant, let's embrace it with total discipline and become a good version of us.

This is my entry to the hivereachout weekly prompt

Thanks for reading.

All pictures are mine.


It's good to see that you know that staying through comes with a lot of sacrifices, but you're still resolute towards changing the radar.
