A design full of tradition and culture [eng/spa]

in Architecture+Design5 months ago

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A few days ago I went out with some Mexican friends who were visiting Cuba, and wanted to celebrate their country's Independence Day. We spent a very nice evening, and it could not be different because we were sharing among very nice people, and in my case, learning about their different customs. With great pride they told me about the "cry of pain", and the repercussion that this event had at a national level. I feel it is very nice to see people who feel love for their roots, and for everything that happened one day in their land.
As the night was a celebration, and revolved around Mexico and its culture, we decided to have dinner at a restaurant called La Catrina, which is located at the intersection of 5th and 84th avenues, in the Playa municipality, in the Havana capital. One of the guys, who had visited the restaurant before, explained that they prepared excellent traditional Mexican dishes and that we would be delighted with the decoration of the place.

Hace algunos días salí con unos amigos mexicanos que estaban de visita en Cuba, y deseaban celebrar el día de la Independencia de su país. Pasamos una noche muy linda, y no podía ser diferente porque estábamos compartiendo entre gente muy agradable, y en mi caso, aprendiendo sobre sus diferentes costumbres. Con muchísimo orgullo me contaron sobre el "grito de dolores", y la repercusión que tuvo ese acontecimiento a nivel nacional. Siento que es muy bonito ver a personas que siente amor por sus raíces, y por todo lo que un día sucedió en su tierra.
Como la noche era de celebración, y giraba en torno a México y su cultura, nos decidimos a cenar en un restaurant llamado La catrina, que se encuentra ubicado en la intersección de las avenidas 5ta y 84, en el municipio Playa, de la capital habanera. Uno de los chicos, que ya lo había visitado anteriormente, explicó que elaboraban de forma excelente varios platos de la comida tradicional mexicana, y que, además, quedaríamos encantados con la decoración que tenía el lugar.




Arriving at the restaurant, I felt like I was arriving at a very picturesque house, full of lights and joy. The colors used in the design are very vivid, with blue predominating in the marquetry of the doors and windows.
We would have loved to sit at the outdoor table area, because we would have had as a background a very striking set of lights, made up of strips of different shades that alternated. But the night was quite hot, and despite the fact that we are used to high temperatures during most of the year, we decided to go for the air-conditioned area.

Al arribar al restaurant, sentí que estaba llegando a una casa muy pintoresca, llena de luces y alegría. Los colores usados en el diseño son muy vivos, predominando el azul en la marquetería de puertas y ventanas.
Nos hubiese encantado sentarnos en el área de mesas que se encuentra al aire libre, porque hubiésemos tenido como fondo un juego de luces muy llamativo, conformado por tiras de diferentes tonalidades que se iban alternando. Pero la noche era bastante calurosa, y a pesar de que estamos acostumbrados a las altas temperaturas durante la mayoría del año, nos decidimos por la zona climatizada.




Upon arrival, the food service clerk who led us to the table told us that in addition to food and drink, they also sold items of different uses, all related to Mexico. Above all, the women in the group were fascinated to see everything they had: hats, handbags, earrings, fans, candles, rattles, rings, the well-known flower diadems that evoke the figure of Kahlo...

Al llegar, el dependiente de servicios gastronómicos que nos condujo hasta la mesa, nos comentó que además de la comida y la bebida, también vendían artículos de diferentes usos, y todos relacionados con México. Sobre todo, las mujeres del grupo quedamos fascinadas al ver todo lo que tenían: sombreros, bolsos, aretes, abanicos, velas, sonajeros, anillos, las conocidas diademas de flores que evocan la figura de Kahlo…




Before tasting the appetizers, I took a little tour of the place with my camera phone in hand. I found the bar very nice and colorful. I consider that the images they chose to decorate the wall of this area are in accordance with the Mexican cultural syncretism. I even consulted one of my native friends and he agreed with me that the choice of images was in accordance with many of their main cultural symbols.

Antes de degustar los entrantes, yo di un pequeño recorrido por el lugar con la cámara de mi teléfono en mano. La barra el bar me pareció muy bonita y colorida. Considero que las imágenes que escogieron para decorar la pared de esta área están en concordancia con el sincretismo cultural mexicano. Incluso, le hice la consulta a uno de mis amigos nativos y coincidió conmigo con respecto a que la elección de las mismas estaba acorde a muchos de sus principales símbolos culturales.




Also the bathroom was perfectly integrated with the whole design, and very clean and well kept by the way. Some very funny drawings welcomed you, making it explicit which was the men's and which was the women's bathroom.

También el baño estaba perfectamente integrado con todo el diseño, y muy limpio y bien cuidado por cierto. Unos dibujos muy graciosos te daban la bienvenida, dejando explícito cuál era el baño de hombres y cuál el de mujeres.




The walls have very suggestive phrases written on them, and some of them are very popularly known. My favorite, and I think that of most of our group of friends, was the unforgettable Frida Kahlo, who said: "Why do I want feet, if I have wings to fly?
Particularly, I was not only struck by the depth of the phrase, but also by the accompanying drawing of a pair of outstretched wings. Undoubtedly, this was my favorite piece of the restaurant.

Las paredes tienen escritas frases muy sugerentes, y algunas muy conocidas popularmente. Mi preferida, y creo que la de la mayoría de nuestro grupo de amigos, fue la de la inolvidable Frida Kahlo, que expresa: Pies, para qué los quiero, si tengo alas para volar.
Particularmente, no solo me impactó la profundidad de la frase, también el dibujo que la acompaña, de un par de alas extendidas. Sin dudas, este fue mi pedacito de restaurant preferido.




Original content by @indipnash91
📸 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Editing: Canvas
Translation: DeepL
Discord: indipnash91
X: @NashP91986
Reddit: indipnash91

Contenido original por @indipnash91
📸 Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Edición: Canvas
Traducción: DeepL
Discord: indipnash91
X: @NashP91986
Reddit: indipnash91


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Dear friend, I really enjoyed the restaurant "La Catrina", which you visited with your friends.
I am a fervent admirer of Frida Kahlo's work, that phrase is one of my favorite phrases. I have spaces in my house decorated with her work, it's great.
You have to invite me to the restaurant when I go to Cuba, it's already in my agenda. I loved the dynamic so cheerful and colorful, happy evening 🌹🌷🥀💮🏵️💐🌸🌺🪻🪷🌻🌼🍀

I didn't know you liked Frida's work so much, she really was an artistically amazing woman. Besides the design of the place, the treatment of the staff was 100, and the food was delicious. I had the most delicious mashed potatoes this year ☺

Indi what a beautiful place! I have been speechless 😲. Very picturesque and full of life 🎨. I loved it 😍. I hope to be able to visit it soon. I am so glad you had such a great time with your friends. 😊

It is a lovely place to eat and to feel like you are in Mexico 🇲🇽 for a few hours

What a cozy place, I imagine the Mexicans felt right at home. Very nice and colorful place, I really liked the design.

Thanks for your comment, it is a great place!!!!

Amiga que lugar tan bonito y lleno de colores ,e encantó la decoración y las frases , pinturas de la pared , los accesorios que venden , me imagino que fue una velada divina 👌🏽👍🏽

Friend, what a beautiful place full of colors, I loved the decoration and the phrases, paintings on the wall, the accessories they sell, I imagine it was a divine evening 👌🏽👍🏽

Lo fue, pasé un rato placentero entre amigos. Te recomiendo pasar en algún momento, la gastronomía es espectacular. Los precios un poco altos, pero el buen servicio lo equilibra

It was, I had a pleasant time among friends. I recommend you to stop by sometime, the gastronomy is spectacular. The prices are a little high, but the good service balances it out.

It is a very interesting place, it is like being in Mexico itself. You had a very good experience my friend🤗

My friend, it was a fun experience, I hope to go back there very soon