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RE: The column, the first monument to Bolivar and its surroundings. Mérida, Venezuela

in Architecture+Design11 months ago

Doris, qué hermosura de lugar y cuanta historia y orgullo de pertenecer esta tierra.
A veces siento tanta tristeza de ver lo que estamos pasando teniendo un país tan grande, tan lleno de historia, de riquezas de todo tipo. Yo no puedo siquiera imaginar qué sentiría el libertador de ver todo lo que sucede ahora.
Pero dejando de lado eso, te agradezco por ese poquito de historia, por compartir este monumento realmente increíble, 11 metros de altura y ese busto allá arriba en lo alto. Simplemente hermoso e increíble que tenga tanto tiempo.
El clima por cierto se ve tan rico.
Gracias amiga por este recorrido.

Doris, what a beautiful place and how much history and pride to belong to this land.
Sometimes I feel so sad to see what we are going through having such a great country, so full of history, richness of all kinds. I can't even imagine what the liberator would feel if he saw everything that is happening now.
But leaving that aside, I thank you for that little bit of history, for sharing this really incredible monument, 11 meters high and that bust up there on top. Just beautiful and incredible that it has so much time.
The weather by the way looks so nice.
Thank you friend for this tour.


Amiga, I'm sorry for replying so late, but well, some things happened.

The same thing happens to me, many sites fill me with nostalgia, at least I am glad to know that after so many years, now they are giving a little love to some places that do not deserve the state they are in.

Thank you very much for your nice comment. I hope you can visit Merida soon.