[ENG/ESP] Los Robles Church: A Colonial Treasure on Margarita Island


Greetings, dear Hives and friends of #architectureanddesign . Today I want to share with you a small church I discovered, which for me is a small architectural treasure, on Margarita Island: the Church of Los Robles, also known as "Nuestra Señora del Pilar". Although modest in size, this church holds a rich history and a beauty that transcends its walls.

Saludos, queridos Hives y amigos de #architectureanddesign . Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una pequeña Iglesia que descubrí, que para mí es un pequeño tesoro de la arquitectura, en la Isla Margarita: la Iglesia de los Robles, también conocida como "Nuestra Señora del Pilar". Aunque modesta en tamaño, esta iglesia encierra una rica historia y una belleza que trasciende sus paredes.


This small church is located in the town of Los Robles, in the municipality of Maneiro in the state of Nueva Esparta on Margarita Island.
To be honest, this location does not figure in my travel routines. However, I have always enjoyed appreciating less traveled places that may possess beauty. That is how I came to this church, whose doors, unfortunately, were closed on my initial visit.

Esta pequeña Iglesia, se encuentra ubicada en la localidad Los Robles, en el municipio Maneiro del estado Nueva Esparta en Isla Margarita.
Siendoles honesta esta locación no figura en mis rutinas de viaje. Sin embargo, siempre me he deleitado apreciando lugares menos transitados que pueden poseer una belleza. Así fue como llegué a esta iglesia, cuyas puertas, lamentablemente, estaban cerradas en mi visita inicial.


According to locals' accounts, the image of the Virgin resting inside the church is made of solid gold. A gift from a Spanish queen decades ago, this sacred figure becomes the spiritual heart of the community.

Según los relatos de los lugareños, la imagen de la Virgen que reposa en el interior de la iglesia es de oro macizo. Una donación de una reina española hace décadas, esta figura sagrada se convierte en el corazón espiritual de la comunidad.

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The façade of the church is simple but charming. Three polished wooden doors, one at the front and two on the sides, which I suppose, invite the faithful to cross its threshold.

La fachada de la iglesia es sencilla pero encantadora. Tres puertas de madera pulida, una al frente y dos en los costados, las cuales supongo que, invitan a los fieles a cruzar su umbral.


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At the top, an image of "Nuestra Señora del Pilar" presides over the place, looking towards the horizon and protecting those who visit it.

En lo más alto, una imagen de "Nuestra Señora del Pilar" preside el lugar, mirando hacia el horizonte y protegiendo a quienes la visitan.


The tile roof, in warm tones, contrasts with the white walls.
The small cross at the back looks like a lighthouse guiding hearts to the faith. The bells in the highest tower announce the mass, so that it spreads to the surrounding area, reminding the community of the importance of shared spirituality.

El techo de tejas, en tonos cálidos, contrasta con las paredes blancas.
La pequeña cruz en la parte posterior parece un faro que guía a los corazones hacia la fe. Las campanas en la torre más alta anuncian son las que anuncian la misa, para que se propague por los alrededores, recordando la importancia a la comunidad de la espiritualidad compartida.




The gardens surrounding the church are a haven of peace. Tiles of different colors form a mosaic that invites you to stroll and reflect. But what captivated me most were the oak trees. These majestic trees, symbols rooted in local history, provide shade and coolness. Their leaves whisper ancient stories as the wind caresses them.

Los jardines que rodean la iglesia son un remanso de paz. Baldosas de colores diversos forman un mosaico que invita a pasear y reflexionar. Pero lo que más me cautivó fueron los robles. Estos árboles majestuosos, símbolos arraigados en la historia local, proporcionan sombra y frescura. Sus hojas susurran historias antiguas mientras el viento las acaricia.


Just behind the church, almost next to it, is a small amphitheater. Built by the locals themselves with the support of the mayor's office, this space is witness to deep-rooted traditions. Here the high school graduates are blessed, a beautiful gesture that celebrates learning and community, it is a beautiful tradition here in Venezuela.

Justo detrás de la iglesia, casi pegado a ella, se encuentra un pequeño anfiteatro. Construido por los propios lugareños con el apoyo de la alcaldía, este espacio es testigo de tradiciones arraigadas. Aquí se bendicen a los graduados de bachillerato, un gesto hermoso que celebra el aprendizaje y la comunidad, es una hermosa tradición acá en venezuela.


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The columns of the amphitheater, robust and elegant, transport us to colonial times. The tile roof, like that of the church, creates a visual harmony for visitors and graduates at a celebration. It is as if the past and the present intertwine in this corner of Los Robles.

Las columnas del anfiteatro, robustas y elegantes, nos transportan a épocas coloniales. El techo de tejas, igual que el de la iglesia, crea una armonía visual a los visitantes y graduados en una celebración. Es como si el pasado y el presente se entrelazan en este rincón de Los Robles.

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Dear friends of architecture, I hope you enjoyed this nice tour of Iglesia de los Robles. Although small, its greatness lies in its history, its architecture and its connection to the community. I wish you an excellent week, I will see you again in future posts.
See you soon!

Queridos amigos de la arquitectura, espero que hayan disfrutado de este lindo recorrido por la Iglesia de los Robles. Aunque pequeña, su grandeza reside en su historia, su arquitectura y su conexión con la comunidad. Les deseo una excelente semana, los veré nuevamente en futuras publicaciones.
¡Hasta pronto!

The photos were taken with a Bison X10 Pro
DeepeL was used
Photos was made with Canvas


Me gustó mucho la iglesia y su sencilla contrucción pero se nota que la cuidan con esmero . Del anfiteatro puedo decir que no había visto ninguno igual me gustó la fila de gruesas columnas que posee , lindo post y fotos 👍🏽❤️

I really liked the church and its simple construction but it shows that they take care of it with care. I can say about the amphitheater that I had not seen any, but I liked the row of thick columns it has, nice post and photos 👍🏽❤️

Sí, hermana @lileisabel, es pequeña pero la cuidan celosamente, cuando fui a tomar fotos enseguida se me acercaron, preguntaron y me dieron información. Me gustó mucho su arquitectura y la preocupación de los lugareños 🌹🌷🌺💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🌼☘️

Yes, sister @lileisabel, it's small but they take care of it jealously, when I went to take pictures right away they approached me, asked and gave me information. I really liked its architecture and the concern of the locals 🌹🌷🌺💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🌼☘️

Se ve muy bien cuidada ❤️

It looks very well cared for ❤️


Muy linda Iglesia a pesar de ser muy sencilla

Sí es súper sencillo querida amiga @babyl, pero los lugareños lo aman y lo cuidan, más que a su casa . Gracias por tus palabras, feliz día 🌹🌷🌸🌺💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🌼☘️

Yes it is super simple dear friend @babyl, but the locals love and care for it, more than their home . Thanks for your words, happy day 🌹🌷🌸🌺💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🌼☘️

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Hermoso paisaje 😻.

Sí querida amiga, esta pequeña iglesia, tiene una arquitectura agradable y bonito paisaje, feliz tarde 🌹🌷🌸🌺💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🌼☘️

Yes dear friend, this little church, has a nice architecture and nice landscape, happy afternoon 🌹🌷🌸🌺💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🌼☘️

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Awesome looking environment. I love the way the floor is designed with bricks and the color matches with that of the doors and roofs. The trees make the place look natural.
Enjoy your day friend.

Glad to know dear friend, that you like the architecture of the place, have a great week 🌹🌷🌺💐💐🪻🪷💮🌻🥀🥀🌼☘️

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Hello friend, this church is lovely, it is simple but beautiful and well cared for, I enjoyed getting to know it through your nice photos 🌻💐😘.
Hola amiga, es encantadora está iglesia, es sencilla pero hermosa y buen cuidada, me gustó conocerla a través de tus lindas fotos 🌻💐😘

Gracias querida Mayra, me compraste saber que te han gustado mi fotografía, feliz noche 🌹🌷🪻🪷🌼🌸🌺💐💮🌻🥀☘️

Thank you dear Mayra, you bought me to know that you liked my photography, happy evening 🌹🌷🪻🪷🌼🌸🌺💐💮🌻🥀☘️

Congratulations dear @taniagonzalez! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded the GOLD STAR in Architecture Anthology™ 80. More power!


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Wow what a thrill. Thank you for the Gold Star award. It is an honor for me to be awarded it, I know the great work you do to select and value the work you do for us, as I consider that there are many that are excellent.
I really appreciate your work and it encourages me to work better every day in my publications.
I wish you a great week 🌹🌷🌷🌻🌼🌺💐🪷🪻💮🥀☘️

We are always grateful to you dear @taniagonzalez for your exceptional A+D stories - we love them. And we appreciate your consistent dedication in our beloved community. Have an fantastic week! 😀

Greetings @taniagonzalez, I love the design of the church, the door is beautiful, the brick colored floor matches the roof tiles, thanks for sharing.

Happy Saturday!


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 8 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you @douglas.life, for your nice wishes, happy week 🌹🌷🌸🌻🌼🌺💐🪷🪻💮🥀☘️