A family walk in search of reflections (ReflectionHunters)

in Shadow Hunters9 months ago
Como están los apasionados seguidores de esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Me cuesta creer que el día de ayer haya comenzado oficialmente el ¨invierno¨, si bien las noches suelen ser un poco fría, cuando sale el sol y toma temperatura el día se pone muy agradable. Superamos el otoño sin mucha de su presencia, gran parte de los árboles aún conservan sus ramas cubiertas de hojas, algo poco probable para esta época del año. Ayer por la tarde decidimos visitar la ciudad para hacer la tradicional ¨cacería¨ de ¨reflejos¨ y acompañar a mi amiga @olgavita en su maravilloso ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

How are the passionate followers of this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  I find it hard to believe that yesterday "winter" officially began, although the nights are usually a little cold, when the sun rises and warms up the day becomes very pleasant. We got through autumn without much of their presence, a large part of the trees still have their branches covered in leaves, something unlikely for this time of year. Yesterday afternoon we decided to visit the city to do the traditional "reflection" hunt and accompany my friend @olgavita in her wonderful ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨: 

La tarde estaba preciosa un clima realmente muy agradable, en la costa del rio se sentía una frisa fresa y el aroma propio de estar en la costa; si bien hacia calor, para mi gusto no estaba como para estar tirado en la playa, pero quien tiene la última palabra, cada quien pude hacer lo que más le satisfaga

Source: Family Álbum

The afternoon was beautiful, the weather was really very pleasant, on the coast of the river there was a strawberry breeze and the aroma of being on the coast; Although it was hot, for my taste it was not like lying on the beach, but whoever has the last word, everyone could do what satisfies them most

Cuando nos pusimos a planificar al paseo estábamos en dudas si visitar el centro comercial o la ribera, pero al ver realmente el clima que hacía era imposible no escoger pasear por la hermosa costanera, además, es el lugar preferido de Abigail, y como saben es ella la que decide donde vamos de paseo

Source: Family Álbum

When we started planning the walk we were in doubt whether to visit the shopping center or the riverside, but when we really saw the weather it was impossible not to choose to walk along the beautiful waterfront, furthermore, it is Abigail's favorite place, and as you know, she is the one who decides where we go for a walk

Mi nieta tuvo la idea de bajar del autobús al inicio de la costanera y caminar desde allí hasta la zona de la costa norte, varios kilómetros de caminata, pero no se sintieron en absoluto dado que estábamos entretenido haciendo las fotografías de reflejos que se presentaron en nuestro camino

Source: Family Álbum

My granddaughter had the idea of getting off the bus at the beginning of the waterfront and walking from there to the north coast area, several kilometers of walking, but they did not feel at all given that we were having fun taking photographs of reflections that came our way

Cuando uno va paseando disfrutando de un paisaje realmente agradable, no te das cuenta de los kilómetros que puedes caminar sin sentirte agotado, además, estábamos muy atento haciendo nuestra ¨cacería¨ de ¨reflejos¨; con mi cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ hacemos tomas que voy a utilizar en mis posts, y con el móvil de mi esposa hacemos las tomas para los posts de @abihive

Source: Family Álbum

When you are walking enjoying a really pleasant landscape, you do not realize how many kilometers you can walk without feeling exhausted. Furthermore, we were very attentive doing our "hunt" for "reflections"; With my camera ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ we take shots that I am going to use in my posts, and with my wife's cell phone we take the shots for @abihive's posts


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

many dear friend @untilwelearn you are very kind

Grandpa, I loved this walk, we had a wonderful time, and we took many photographs

walks around the city are always very fun and we have a good time

That seems like a nice walk with beautiful reflection shots as the gift from the walk.
have a great day ahead my friend

Living in a sunny coastal city like ours, our walks are always a lot of fun, with lots of shadow and reflection shots to be had
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.
Enjoy your weekend

Las nubes en el espejo del auto! Parece fuera parte del espejo, me encantó! Que tengas un hermoso día @jlufer 😃

Estoy de acuerdo esa tomas es genial, me encanta como se ve las nubes en el espejo.
Muchas gracias querida amiga @ avdesing por la compañia de siempre

Que tengas una tarde preciosa!

You capture many eye-catching shots these all look amazing. Thanks for sharing the beauty of nature with us, I love it.

It is a real pleasure dear friend @noorchaudhary to be able to share the shots of my city
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
have a beautiful day

This place looks quiet and calm. It's the most for walking.

I live in a relatively safe city, which makes family walks very pleasant
Thank you very much dear friend @ratel
Have a happy and prosperous week

Every photo is so beautiful, @jlufer Enjoy 🍃

Thank you very much dear friend @naniplayergamer
have a beautiful day

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Thank you very much dear friends for the great support you always give me.
Have a beautiful day everyone