What are the best reflections, boats or… ¨ReflectionHunters¨ [Esp/Eng].

in Shadow Hunterslast month
Como están mis amigos de esta genial ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Es increíble como se nos escapa el tiempo, y las semanas pasan como si de días se trataran, recuerdo cuando esperaba con ansiedad la llegada del concurso de la semana 200, y como ven, de esto ya ha pasado tres semanas ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  pensando en esto es que cada día trato de disfrutarlo al máximo, como si del último día se tratara

Source: Family Álbum

How are my friends from this great ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  It's incredible how time slips away, and the weeks go by as if they were days, I remember when I anxiously awaited the arrival of the contest of week 200, and as you see, three weeks have already passed since then ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  thinking about this is why I try to enjoy it to the fullest every day, as if it were the last day

Cada día de mi vida es importante, y trato de vivirlo con mucha intensidad, no quiero que un día sea uno más, trato de hacer las cosas de tal manera, que cada día vivido merezca ser recordado; cuando se trata de disfrutar al máximo mi ciudad tiene lugares preciosos que parecen postales propios del ¨Museo-de-Bellas-Artes¨:  Puestas en escenas para que los artistas se inspiren en recrear estos bellos paisajes que tiene la orilla del ¨Paraná¨, lugares preciosos donde llevo a mis seres queridos, para que cuando uno ya no este en este mundo, pasar por aquí les lleve a nuestro recuerdo

Source: Family Álbum

Every day Every day of my life is important, and I try to live it with great intensity. I don't want one day to be just another. I try to do things in such a way that every day lived is worth remembering. when it comes to enjoying my city to the fullest, it has beautiful places that look like postcards from ¨Museo-de-Bellas-Artes¨:  Staging so that artists are inspired to recreate these beautiful landscapes that the banks of the ¨Paranᨠhave, beautiful places where I take my loved ones, so that when one is no longer in this world, passing by here takes them to our memory

Un icono de mi ciudad que es motivo de inspiración de los artistas correntinos es el imponte puente que tenemos, y siempre que estamos allí, hay que hacer una sesión fotográfica de esta ¨belleza¨¨arquitectónica¨. Me gusta ver esta estructura y pensar cuanto trabajo se tubo que hacer para que hoy podamos utilizar sus estructuras para comunicarnos con la ciudad vecina

Source: Family Álbum

An icon of my city that is a source of inspiration for Corrientes artists is the imposing bridge that we have, and whenever we are there, we have to do a photo shoot of this architectural ¨beauty¨. I like to see this structure and think about how much work had to be done so that today we can use its structures to communicate with the neighboring city

Cuando doy con un lugar precioso de la costa, y me puedo sentar para ver la belleza de nuestro ¨Paraná¨, no dudo un solo segundo, y estando allí viendo la postal del rio puedo pasar horas admirando su belleza; de eso se trata la vida, de compartir estas cosas sencillas y hermosas que tiene el ligar donde vivo con las personas que amo

Source: Family Álbum

When I find a beautiful place on the coast, and I can sit down to see the beauty of our "Paraná", I don't hesitate for a second, and being there looking at the postcard of the river I can spend hours admiring its beauty; that's what life is about, sharing these simple and beautiful things that the place where I live has with the people I love

Sentado en la costa viendo las embarcaciones pasar, siempre me pregunto, si los mejores reflejos son los que conseguimos fotografiar en la superficie del agua, o aquellos que vemos reflejados en una superficie vidriadas. Cuando estuve presente frente a esta hermosa reflexión no pude evitar tomar nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ y hacer este precioso disparo. Un reflejo siempre es hermoso sin importar la superficie en donde se refleje

Source: Family Álbum

Sitting on the coast watching the boats go by, I always wonder if the best reflections are the ones we manage to photograph on the surface of the water, or those we see reflected in a glass surface. When I was present in front of this beautiful reflection I couldn't help but take our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ and take this beautiful shot. A reflection is always beautiful no matter the surface it is reflected on


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Thank you very much dear friend @travelfeed

This has been another beautiful walk along the coast, I really enjoyed it, what beautiful photographs of the boats and the last reflection shot

The great work they are doing on the waterfront is admirable, it looks more beautiful every time, the last photo of reflections is beautiful, I also love it.

Que buen reflejo has captado, tuve que mirarlo bien porque parecía real! Que tengas un hermoso día, abrazo!🤗

Buen dia querida amiga @avdesing
Esa toma salio preciosa
Muchas gracias por apreciar mis fotogarfias
Que disfrutes de un maravilloso dia

has avanzado mucho en la fotografía y me gusta mucho mucho!! Hermoso día!

It's great that you intentionally live and enjoy each moment and make the most of it creating more memories. Your city is beautiful and I enjoyed this tour of its natural beauty through your photos. I agree that reflections are beautiful in water, glass mirrors, or anywhere else.

Good morning dear friend @ifarmgirl
I am lucky to live in a beautiful city full of natural beauty
Hunting reflections is exciting
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me
Have a wonderful weekend

Congratulations, you have received support from Ecency through curator @reachdreams

Hello dear friend @reachdreams how are you?
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my post, you are very kind
Have a lovely day

Yes, you're welcome, you deserve it. Keep up the good work friend.

Congratulations @jlufer! You received a bright smile from TravelFeed. Our eyes were beaming while reading your post. 😁

Thanks for using TravelFeed!
@for91days (TravelFeed team)

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Good afternoon dear friends @travelfeed
I thank you with all my heart for the great support you always give me
I wish the whole team a beautiful afternoon

No me canso de admirar tu zona a través de tu blog, estos son paisajes de ensueño, a mí me encantaría verlos y cambiarlos a diario. Muchas gracias por compartir mi amigo 🙏🏽

Hola querido amigo @jesuslnrs buenas tardes

Corrientes es una ciudad que por ser pequeña hay mucho para ver, ademas, es muy coqueta.

Cuando vengas de vacaciones a esta zona de America del Sur nos podrias visitar, sera un gusto recibirlos en mi casa

Que disfrutes de una tarde hermosa

Thank you very much dear friends @hive-179017